Prince Harry and Meghan took my Instagram name


Kevin Keiley

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Kevin Keiley


Kevin and his daughter Leah are both fans of Reading

A driving instructor whose Instagram name was removed and given to Prince Harry and Meghan says that he feels "flattered" but also "annoyed".

Kevin Keiley had used @susbadroyal to reflect his love for Reading FC and his hometown of Susbad for about three years.

But he discovered that Instagram had changed hands and gave his name to the royal couple without asking him.

Instagram says its handle has been changed to "prevent digital squatting".

Kevin, 55, who lives in Worthing, says the first one he knew was given his name was when he received a text message.

"My son sent me a funny text that said," Ha ha, I see that your sleeve is gone then, "he told Radio 1 Newsbeat.

"I thought 'What is that?' He said 'Look on Instagram', so I looked at Instagram." and suddenly, my nickname was no longer @susbadroyal, but well @_susbadroyal_

"He was taken."

Kevin admits that he does not have a lot of followers and does not post often – but he will use it to like and follow other people's posts.

He says no one from the royal family or Instagram has contacted him before to ask him if he could make the change.

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It took Prince Harry and Meghan five hours and 45 minutes to reach a million Instagram followers.

The Instagram addresses of Prince Harry and Meghan refer to their royal title – the Duke and Duchess of Susbad.

Their account was launched Tuesday and broke the world record of reaching a million followers in record time.

Instagram confirmed to Newsbeat that Kevin's treatment had been changed in accordance with his policy.

It allows him to make changes to an account if he has been inactive for some time.

Kevin says that he's not on Instagram since he discovered that he had changed his name without asking anything – and that he was "pissed off" that his collaborators did not did not contact him.

"I'm a bit reluctant to use Instagram until I talk to them personally."

Kevin also has the same name on Twitter – which he has managed to hang on.

"I can tell you that Twitter has become mental, I had four subscribers and in 24 hours I grew to about 198," he says.

"What I'm trying to do is keep on tweeting so they can not take it if it's active, I do not know what the royals are planning for next."

So, what would Kevin say to Prince Harry and Meghan when he had the opportunity?

"Hello Harry and Meghan, if you also want my Twitter account, can you at least have the decency to talk to me?"

Kevin says that his phone does not stop ringing and that he also receives rude messages from trolls on Twitter.

"I did not ask that, I have the account for years, it is not very nice," he says.

"We just endured it, is not it? I'm sure famous people support it millions of times a day."

Kevin says he'll probably go back to Instagram someday, but adds, "I do not think I'll follow the royals."

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