Prince Harry calls for the ban on addictive games and other addictive games


There are some stories you just do not think about writing video game journalism. One of these is certainly the Duke of Susbad who is launching what is arguably the most popular game in the world at the moment, wanting it as well as other games like this. having been banned. Prince Harry, a member of the British Royal Family, wants to ban Fortnite, saying that "it was created for drug addicts" and that it is "irresponsible" and "should not be allowed."

These comments were made during a visit to a YMCA in West London, where he spoke with mental health experts about the impact of video games and media. violent and addictive social problems on young people. He also testified that "social media creates more addiction than drugs and alcohol".

Prince Harry asked the parents, "What is the benefit of having him in your home?" He is not happy with the way the game was created to be "addictive." keep you in front of a computer as long as possible. "" Global epidemic around youth mental health, "to which he alludes to addiction to Fortnite, social media and other addictive Internet elements must be blamed.

The Duke of Susbad did not mention the item in the loot box that made most people talk. It seems that his problem stems simply from the time young people spend in front of computers and the Internet (which I have to laugh at when I type this on a computer to post it on the Internet). "We are experiencing a period of mental change," he said.

Most of the industry's current conversations are not about addiction in general, but about exploiting addiction through objects like surprise boxes. Fortnite himself has seen lawsuits about the safest chests in the game's Save the World game, but most of the addiction Prince Harry talks about comes from the long time kids spent playing in Battle mode. Royale.

General gambling addiction was recently raised as the World Health Organization sought to add a "gambling disorder" to the International Clbadification of Diseases, which states that gambling addiction is a real disorder, not just a disorder. symptom of dependent personalities.

What do you think of Prince Harry Fortnite to ban comments? Is it right, or is it more rhetoric of people who do not play and do not understand video games?

[Source: Express; Via: Variety]

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