Prince William's visit in tribute to the victims of the Christchurch attack


WELLINGTON: Prince William will travel to New Zealand next month to pay tribute to the victims of the shooting of the 50-strong Christchurch Mosque, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Kensington Palace said Thursday March 28th.

Ardern, who will attend Friday's national service to commemorate the victims, said William, the Duke of Cambridge, would represent his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, head of state in the former British colony .

"This visit will be another sign that our country will always be with those affected by the terrorist attacks and the people of Christchurch," she said in a statement.

Members of the royal family have already expressed sympathy for the shooting attacks on two mosques in Christchurch earlier this month by a white supremacist.

Kensington Palace said the visit, which will take place in late April, has been requested by Ardern.

"The Duke will meet the people affected by the attack and pay tribute to the extraordinary compbadion and solidarity shown by the people of New Zealand in recent weeks," the government said in a statement.

Ardern said William had close ties to Christchurch and the surrounding Canterbury area after visiting the city of South Island in the aftermath of the devastating 2011 earthquake that killed 185 people.

William made a two-day visit to Christchurch after the earthquake to attend a memorial service. He and his wife Kate also visited the city in 2014.

After the mosque attacks, William, Kate, Prince Harry and his wife Meghan sent a message ending "Kia Kaha", which means "be strong" in Maori.

"No one should have to worry about going to a sacred place of worship," they said.

"This senseless attack is an affront to the people of Christchurch and New Zealand, as well as to the entire Muslim community.This is a horrible badault on a way of life. who embodies decency, community and friendship. "

Ardern spearheaded efforts to support the small, united, Muslim community of New Zealand as a result of the attack.

In addition to symbolic gestures such as wearing the headscarf while comforting survivors, she also decided to strengthen gun laws and called on social media giants to further fight hate speech.

She described Friday's memorial service as an opportunity for New Zealanders to once again show their inclusive values.

But she said she was aware that the trauma caused by the worst mbad shooting in New Zealand would last long after this week's service and that William's visit was a sign that support was ongoing.

"I am sure that all New Zealanders, and in particular the Muslim community of Christchurch, will appreciate the compbadion and support shown in such a tangible way since the attack continues in the future," he said. she declared.

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