Princess Diana would be so proud of Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle today


Princess Diana was one of the most iconic female figures of our time. She was known as a daring and independent figure in the royal family. Although she seemed to truly respect the Queen and appreciate her royal duties, she was reputed to be a little rebellious and set her own rules, rather than following the royal traditions.

Princess Diana has definitely cherished her two children: Prince William and Prince Harry. So what would the Princess of Wales think of her two daughters-in-law, Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle? We think the princess would be very proud. Here are some reasons why we think she'd be delighted by the fact her the sons were able to find such marvelous husbands.

Kate and Meghan are both humanitarian

As most people know, Princess Diana was very dedicated to her philanthropic work. Millions of people around the world have congratulated the Princess of Wales for the work she has done in Africa to help AIDS victims and their families. She was also rewarded for her bold and courageous efforts to end the landmines slice because they were doing a lot of harm to innocent people and children.

Before Meghan was placed at the center of the stage as a royal, she was already very active in a number of humanitarian projects. In 2016, Meghan traveled to Rwanda to contribute to efforts to provide clean water to small villages in this region. During her stay in Rwanda, she had also visited the children of the nearby school at the nearby school to talk to them and teach them fun activities like watercolor painting.

Since becoming royal, Meghan's charity work has reached new heights. She is now the royal patron of four different charities specializing in the arts, women's empowerment and animal welfare. She also supported her husband's efforts to continue to perpetuate her mother's legacy in support of HIV and AIDS research.

Like all other royal families, Kate Middleton also has a long list of charities that she supports. However, she has spent a lot of time choosing her clients to make sure they are important to her. She devotes a large portion of her time to many charities, including the arts, addiction treatment centers and palliative care for children. She founded with her husband William and his brother-in-law Harry the Heads together organization that has helped to raise awareness about mental health issues.

They are two strong and independent women

Princess Diana was known for her non-traditional way of raising her children. Unlike other royal kids before them, Diana ensured that William and Harry had "normal" childhood experiences, like going to McDonald's, queuing at Disney, and attending public schools.

Kate has been following in her mother-in-law's footsteps and trying to give her children a normal life. She seems to be a very practical mother. She has only one nanny and it has been reported that Kate is changing her child's diapers herself and that William or herself is bringing their two oldest children to school.

Meghan and Harry's child has not arrived yet, but since the Duchess of Susbad is known for her efforts to promote women's equality, it is hard to imagine that she would adhere to the traditional royal standards of maternity.

Princess Diana was a remarkable woman who was not afraid to defend what she believed in. Although, unfortunately, she is no longer with us, we know that if she were here, she would not only be proud of the men her sons became, but she would also be proud of the women with whom they chose to spend the rest of their lives.

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