"Prioritize your health" Roz Purcell urges women to get smear tested after last year's cancer crisis


"Be aware of the symptoms and talk about it."

Roz Purcell urged women to undergo smears following her cancer crisis last year.

The model and influencer said she had been fortunate enough to discover pre-cancerous cells so she could benefit from early-stage treatment and stay on top of her health.

Since then, she has urged others to do the same and ensure that they place their health first and not their screening test.

On Instagram last night, she wrote:

"Hi friends, nice reminder to be in control of your smear and why the reporter is a really stupid and useless thing to do Nobody will prioritize your health like you.

"The promise to eradicate cervical cancer from here a generation is good news, but you still have to check, monitor and talk about the symptoms."

Over the weekend, Health Minister Simon Harris said that Ireland would be rid of cervical cancer by a generation ago in the honor of Laura Brennan.

The 26-year-old had worked tirelessly for the HPV vaccine since her cervical cancer diagnosis. She was put to rest last week.

Roz said last night that she had such "admiration" for Laura and the work she's done selflessly in the hope of helping other women and girls .

"I hope that the HPV-related cancers that are pbaded on to her will be a thing of the past," she wrote.

"I know that the idea of ​​making a projection (for any matter) is scary, but what is even more scary is that you could have caught it more early, but you were too scared to check. "

CervicalCheck has been the subject of much criticism this year after nearly 2,300 women were still waiting for their test results.

The HSE said last week that the rest of the results should be released in the next two weeks.

The HPV vaccine is generally given to girls aged 12 to 13 to protect against seven out of ten cervical cancers.

The vaccine is extremely safe as has been examined by the World Health Organization.

You can find out more about the vaccine here.

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