Private health care providers threaten to withdraw their services for unsettled claims


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Private health care providers in the Far East region say they will consider phasing out their services from the next month if the National Health Insurance Agency (NHIA) does not pay them some of their claims.

At a press conference in Bolgatanga, the regional president of the Association of Private Healthcare, Dr. Francis Asaanah said residents of at least five districts in this region would suffer from withdrawal of their services.

"Binduri, Pusiga, Timpane and Garu do not have hospitals and it is individuals who have established health facilities to meet their health needs, "he said.

According to him, the current indebtedness of NHIA claims goes back almost a year now and suppliers have submitted requests up to December 2018 and February 2019.

He revealed that their situation was disastrous as some hospitals had not been able to pay salaries for four months.

"That's because they rely solely on NHIA repayments to pay salaries and buy other logistics services for their operations.

"We want the Authority and the government to consider making regular monthly payments to the institutions, as this would go a long way towards ensuring the consistent and consistent provision of quality health care services," he said.

He believes that if this is respected, it will prevent frequent labor unrest and strike threats faced by workers. managers health care providers.

Dr. Asaanah said that due to lack of funds, the members of the Association are not able to meet their statutory obligations, such as the payment of the SSNIT to their staff.

"The SSNIT has almost all of us brought to court and we had to go out and meet them to protect ourselves … The government must congratulate us and ensure that these issues are resolved in order to continue serving the people," he said. .

For its part, Thomas Moore, a private health care provider, said that most drug providers will not agree to provide supplies for up to three months if post-dated checks are issued to them. are handed over.

"Most of our facilities have turned to the courts for this reason because they give the checks and hope that the NHIA will pay them and at the end of that date you would have defaulted.

"If the payments were monthly, no matter how small, you can plan … no installation here can expand, you can not buy new instruments because you do not know when they will pay," he said. said.

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