Professor Afful-Broni had an agenda; He should advise and resign – NDC MP | Education


Deputy [MP] Ebenezer Okletey Tei-Larbi, from the Lower Manya constituency in the eastern region, questioned Professor Afful-Broni's ability to bring unity and peace to the University of Education from Winneba.

The Vice Chancellor of the University of Education, Winneba, Professor Prof Afful-Broni was the subject of controversy when he dismissed two lecturers from the school; situation that led to a demonstration by the students and the subsequent closure of the school.

Even though both speakers have been reinstated and the school will reopen on April 8, 2019, it remains to be seen whether things will return to normal or whether there will always be factions.

Speaking of this during a round table on Peace FM & # 39; s In the morning broadcast "Kokrokoo", Tei-Larbi said that he "doubted that he (Afful-Broni) could do the job".

According to him, the CV of the UEW had never had the intention of bringing peace and unity to the institution; "His actions were premeditated … he had an agenda and the best thing to do is to advise and resign."

Look at his quote below

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