Promotes cancer – 900 foods contain E171 dye, even mozzarella


It shines mayonnaise and mozzarella in white and prevents clumping: the E171 additive is contained in over 900 foods. However, the researchers are alarming: a new study confirms fears that titanium dioxide could damage intestinal flora and cause cancer in the long term.

The food additive is a pigment added in the form of tiny particles (nanoparticles) to foods, certain drugs and some cosmetics as a bleaching agent. It is contained in chewing gum, sweeteners and certain yogurts, as well as sun lotions and dentifrices, in which the substance has the designation CI 77891.

Inflammatory diseases to cancer

E171 has long been suspected of causing cancer. Researchers at the University of Sydney's Faculty of Medicine have now shown that titanium dioxide interacts with intestinal bacteria and harms some of its functions, causing inflammatory diseases and even cancer. The results were recently published in Frontiers in Nutrition.

"We say that use should be better regulated by food authorities," said immunologist Laurence Macia, co-author of the study.

Unwanted biofilm arises

The researchers studied the effects of titanium dioxide on intestinal health in mice. It has been shown that particles not only alter the composition of the gut microbiota, but also influence bacterial activity and cause an unwanted biofilm. These are bacteria that stick together and are believed to cause colon cancer, as Macia explains.

"The goal of this research is to stimulate debate on new standards and regulations to ensure the safe use of nanoparticles in Australia and around the world," said Wojciech Chrzanowski, a professor at the School of Pharmacy from the University of Sydney and the Sydney Nano Institute.

Long list of diseases

Although nanoparticles are often used in medicines, food, clothing, possible effects – especially the long-term consequences – are still poorly understood. The list of diseases with which they are badociated, however, is long: dementia, autoimmune diseases, cancer, eczema, asthma and autism are among them.

No ban planned in Germany

The use of titanium dioxide has increased dramatically over the last decade. Although other studies have suggested that E171 could promote cancer, the substance is still approved. It is also in Germany where, unlike France, no ban is planned.

By the way: In organic foods, the addition is forbidden.

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