Protects against bites and bites in the summer


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(CLEVELAND CLINIC) – It is best to spend summer vacation weekends outside, spending time with family and friends. But for those of us trying to avoid these terrible mosquito bites, experts say it's best to remember to spend time outdoors.

"With regard to summer insect pests, the mosquito is one of the most widespread and we must avoid mosquito breeding times, which usually occur at dawn and dusk. Neha Vyas, MD, of Cleveland Clinic.

Dr. Vyas said that another effective way to prevent insect bites is to wear an insect repellent with "DEET" or long sleeves and pants during periods when mosquitoes are active.

If mosquitoes are a recurring problem in your outdoor space, she said it was a good idea to look around to see if your garden is harboring potential areas for mosquito breeding.

"You really want to look around and see if you have empty flower pots that collect water, or even near your watering hose – there may be a puddle of water "said Dr. Vyas. "Empty bird baths, empty tires or even low grbad areas that are not well irrigated can be places where mosquitoes like to breed."

And while mosquito bites are more likely to occur at dawn and dusk, bee stings and wasps usually occur during the day.

To avoid a painful sting, Dr. Vyas recommends being wary of where bees and wasps are lying around, and avoiding these places.

If you get bitten, using a cold compress can help relieve pain and take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drug.

If a bee leaves a sting behind it, try removing it right away using sterile tweezers, because the longer it stays, the more reaction it will be.

People who have a known allergy to insect bites should always wear an epinephrine pen with them at all times.

With regard to mosquito bites and bee stings, Dr. Vyas said it was better to resist the urge to scrape them, the latter may increase the risk of infection.

She said most people can tolerate a mosquito bite or a bee sting and have no long term problems.
However, some people are more likely to have reactions that require medical attention.

"For some people, there is something called anaphylaxis, which can occur after being bitten by an insect," said Dr. Vyas. "If you have shortness of breath, tingling in the throat or swelling of your face, lips or tongue; or if you start to see bumps, red spots all over your body, away from the area where you have been bitten, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. "

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