Protests in Algeria keep pressure on regime


Algerian protesters rallied for Friday's first protests since the announcement of the presidential election to succeed deposed President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, fearing a power ploy to stay in power.

Social media, the source of mbad protests that led to the end of Bouteflika's two-decade regime, echoed calls for an eighth week of protests, this time under the slogan "They will leave all".

"On Friday, we'll show them what it means when we scream: 'Go away!'," Said Walid, 22, near the main protest site near the main post office. located in the center of Algiers.

The presidential elections will be held on July 4, the office of Acting Head of Government Abdelkader Bensalah announced on Wednesday, just hours after the promise of "transparent" elections.

The new date was set one day after Bensalah took office, for a period of 90 days, as stipulated by the constitution but to the great wrath of the protesters.

The appointment of the upper house president, Bensalah, as the first new Algerian president in 20 years has not allowed to meet the demands of protesters.

Although 77-year-old Bensalah is barred by the Constitution from running in the upcoming elections, the protesters demanded that Bouteflika's close ally withdraws.

Students and magistrates have called for the resumption of rallies and marches in the capital and in other cities of the country of North Africa.

"I will not vote, what for?" Walid asked.

& # 39; They do not know what's coming

For the first time since the launch of the anti-Bouteflika protest movement in mid-February, vehicles and police forces blocked access to the post office.

But the young protesters were not discouraged.

"We will be many, many, they do not know what to expect, they will not be able to do anything against us," said 23-year-old Ybadine.

For Mahrez Bouich, professor of philosophy at the University of Bejaia, east of Algiers, "the election of 4 July has already been rejected by the people, which also refuses the appointment of Bensalah ".

The protesters argue that elections can not be free and fair if they take place in the same judicial framework and with the same institutions as those of the Bouteflika regime.

Bensalah received implicit support from the army whose leader, General Ahmed Gaid Salah, withdrew his support for Bouteflika, causing his resignation on April 2.

But the general stood up for the defense of Algerian institutions and warned against the "unrealistic slogans" of protesters aimed at sweeping the entire system to power.

All eyes are now turned to the participation rate on the streets Friday, traditional day of events in Algeria, and whether the authorities will adopt a more severe line and strengthen security measures.

For the first time in the wave of protests that swept through Algiers, police launched tear gas and water cannons Tuesday to try to disperse a student protest.

However, Mohamed Hennad, professor of political science at the University of Algiers, said "that the balance of power would favor the street if it was a major mobilization on Friday. ", as in recent weeks.

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