Publish an unpublished video of Adjafor's interrogation | General news


The OneGhana Movement has called for the immediate release of the unpublished video footage of the online interrogation of ModernGhana Editor Samuel Adjafor at National Security.

Abugri had previously indicated that he had been tortured and subjected to electric shocks while in detention by national security agents.

Article 1 of the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment defines torture as "any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted upon a person or woman." person for the purpose of obtaining it or to third parties, information or confessions, punishing him for an act that he or a third party has committed or is suspected to have committed, intimidating or compelling himself or for any reason whatsoever based on discrimination of any kind, where such pain or suffering is inflicted by a public officer or other person acting in an official capacity, instigation of it or with its consent. This does not include pain or suffering arising solely from legal sanctions inherent in or badociated with these sanctions. "

National security, however, denied this allegation.

But the OneGhana movement rejected the refusal of national security and called for the opening of an independent investigation into the issue.

"We believe that it will enable the" people "to make our own opinion and reaffirm our confidence in national security and ethics."

In a press release, the group said that failure to comply with this statement would confirm the allegations of torture and explain the reasons why it was not allowed.

Mr. Ajarfor must be able to consult a lawyer or even telephone for his family to be present.

The group also urged the president to undertake radical reforms in the protocols and conditions of engagement in all security services in order to respect and uphold the human rights of all citizens.

"Guarantee their right to a lawyer during each interrogation and ensure absolute audiovisual coverage of interrogations. We demand the immediate and unconditional release of Mr. Ajarfor's electronic gadgets. "

We reiterate the need for an independent investigation into the allegations of torture and urge the Ghana Journalists Association and its members not to let go until justice is done.


The OneGhana Movement refers to our earlier application and calls for swift action through an independent investigation into the serious allegations of torture, violation of human rights and regularity of the person. arrest and treatment of Mr. Ajarfor. It is discouraging to note that the minister has not yet taken steps to investigate the matter.

The deafening silence of the minister is a breach of trust and a duty of vigilance towards the citizens for problems of such magnitude, such as allegations of torture and violation of human rights . This silence and inertia to act for the citizens leave many people in a state of mistrust and disappointment vis-à-vis his person and national security.

Abuse of human rights

Reports that National Security Officers: a. He attacked ModernGhana's offices and seized laptops and telephones without a warrant. b. He did not read Mr. Ajar for his rights to Miranda during his arrest. C. Covers his head with a polythene bag during his arrest d. Unlawfully detained Mr. Ajarfor for 2 days e. Private Mr. Ajar from access to a lawyer throughout the interrogation f. Illegal acquisition of pbadwords for phones and access to his laptop and tablet …

… constitute a clear violation of fundamental human rights and must be condemned and be the subject of a thorough investigation. The cumulative reports above constitute in themselves a shameful act of psychological torture.

In its statement, the secretariat of the National Security Council only sought to deny allegations of torture. This strongly implies that the Minister responsible for national security has irrefutable evidence of the absence of torture.

We therefore request the urgent distribution of the unpublished video of Emmanuel Ajarfor's interrogation, as past and present agents of national security are reliably informing us that the installation has hidden and apparent cameras , in parallel with international practices.

We are very concerned by the injustice of Emmanuel Ajarfor. His laptop (without a pbadword) and his phones remain seized 9 days after the confiscation, and we are concerned that the police or National Security can not constitute false evidence against the marginalized journalist. It is not surprising that after 7 days, the police were looking for a complainant and the charges were struck. The defendants were released in the afternoon of Friday, July 5, 2019. Prosecutors said they dropped the charges under the pretext of "New Developments".

We urge that members of the state not be overwhelmed by the evil to make their own "novelties" on Mr. Ajar's gadgets, which they illegally confiscated for 9 days, in the case of the laptop and of the tablet and 5 days in the premises. cases of phones.

Abuse of function

The OneGhana movement is eager to draw attention to a flawed practice in which allied institutions badume the role of police in Ghana. In this regard, the fact that the National Security Council has badumed the role of police in questioning and investigating the allegation of theft against Mr. Ajarfor is not only a disturbing practice, but also seriously compromises the role of the police. police in the administration of criminal justice. and the rule of law in general in Ghana. Respectfully, what threat to national security is alleged access to a Peace FM computer or server?

Medical report and related questions

Mr. Ajarfor was examined for the first time 2 days after the incident and was examined in more detail 6 days later. His first visit, the day of his release, was a voluntary visit to treat his immense pain. The second visit responded to the need to obtain the medical report from the police and draw attention to its growing pain. The medical examination of Mr. Ajarfor after the examination conducted on July 3, 2019 by doctors from the police hospital resulted in the diagnosis of 1. Musculoskeletal pain secondary to trauma

The treating physicians indicated and even confirmed by our team of local and international doctors that the first diagnosis indicated the possibility of a battery. This does not exclude the possibility that torture is spread by some media. They note, however, that this is suggestive but not an unequivocal diagnosis of reported torture.

Doctors also observed small lesions on both arms resembling bite marks of insects. The observation of small lesions, according to our team of doctors, suggests that Mr. Ajarfor could have been confined to a poor and inhuman environment. The use of stun guns (sometimes called stun guns) to transmit intermittent electric shocks can leave small cutaneous signs similar to insect sting marks.

The doctors also suggested that the amount of time that had pbaded between the reported torture and the presentation of a thorough examination, as well as the administration of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (prescribed by referring physicians), may have masked any other obvious sign of the reported battery. .

It is instructive to note that Mr. Ajarfor was interviewed on Thursday, June 27, 2019 and that he was not interviewed further. He was held until Saturday, June 29, 2019. He reported that National Security agents had regularly checked his health. , guided him in his physical exercises when he complained of back pain and fed him well on the Friday of his detention. Could that have allowed the swelling and signs of torture to go away or to resolve?

The doctor who examined Mr. Ajarfor first prescribed diclofenac, then doreta tablets, a mixture of tramadol and paracetamol, to help manage his immense pain (they are painkillers). very powerful).

In conclusion, the medical report suggests signs of a possible traumatic event and physical torture but does not provide conclusive evidence.

Our requests:

• We request the immediate release of the unpublished video footage of Mr. Ajarfor's interrogation to National Security, if he has not been tortured. We believe that this will enable us to make "our people" our own judgment and to reaffirm our confidence in national security and ethics. The failure to do so will confirm the allegations and explain the reasons why they did not allow Mr. Ajarfor to have access to a council or even to call for the family to be present.

• We demand that the President undertake radical reforms in the protocols and conditions of engagement in all security services in order to respect and uphold the human rights of all citizens. Guarantee their right to a lawyer during each interrogation and ensure absolute audiovisual coverage of interrogations.

• We demand the immediate and unconditional release of Mr. Ajarfor's electronic gadgets.

• We reiterate the need for an independent investigation into allegations of torture and urge the Ghana Journalists Association and its members not to relax their efforts until justice is done.

Our actions and next

Steps 1. We ask a clinical psychologist to attend Mr. Ajarfor's psychological torture.

2. We have instructed lawyers to bring civil suits against State Security and State agents for human rights violations and for psychological and other acts of torture. physical.

3. We have also instructed counsel to represent and defend against any further allegations that the State may make against Mr. Ajarfor. To this extent, we wish to express our gratitude to Samson Lardy Anyenini, Nii Kpakpo Samoa Addo and Judge Srem-Sai for their legal services, offered on a voluntary basis.

4. We will continue to provide social and economic support to Mr. Ajarfor as he negotiates this phase of his life.


Our goal as OneGhana in this area is to engage in the back of this case, to trigger the necessary institutional reforms in the conduct of our security institutions, to uphold the principles of public accountability, to empower citizens and to raise citizens' awareness of their rights. Our goal is to bring about change in the modus operandi of the general government to defend and defend Ghana's reputation not only in spoken language, but in reality.

Let the abuse of Mr. Ajarfor result from the normalization of the oppression to which our national anthem asks us to resist. As Edmund Burke says, "the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that worthy men do nothing".

OneGhana, honor the promise!

Emily Kanyir Nyuur (+233 55 969 3220).

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