Puff, cough, pass? Five simple ways to avoid getting sore throat while smoking cannabis


Smoking the grbad can be a relationship of love-hate for many.

Canadians, especially non-medical users, seem to like smoking cannabis. But the reverberation of this precious token often leads to a not-so-amiable state: sore throat.

"I have been using cannabis for 24 years, but every time I smoked, I felt a burning sensation in my throat and lungs," says Paul Svoboda, a hemp and cannabis enthusiast from Spain who heads the Love CBD YouTube channel. For Svoboda, the symptoms of sore throat included "excessive saliva production, extremely dry cough, dry nose and difficulty breathing and tasting".

An ideal session of smoke should not leave a person's throat painful and irritated. To avoid such a situation, cannabis users share their tips and tricks:

Consider moving to a vape

"I've really experienced a difference between smoking and vaping," says Lily Hall, founder of The High Blog, a cannabis-focused lifestyle platform. Hall has been using cannabis for about five years to relieve migraines. "I find that vaping gives a smoother and cleaner puff," she adds.

Matthew Lunde, media director for Harvest Medicine, agrees, "Do not smoke, spray. There is much less wear when inhaling something that is not on fire. "

Vaping warms the cannabis without burning it – it means not releasing smoke – with the help of a vaporizer. Since cannabis is heated and not burned, this method of consumption tends to produce fewer carcinogens and carcinogens than smoking.

"Vaping is also tastier," says Hall. "I tend to use fewer flowers when spraying than smoking. It's easier to control how much you want to be medicated. You can opt for a light session or a stronger session with one click, "she says.

Here's what you should not do when you're vaping: "I tend to have a sore throat when I vaporise at higher temperatures. At lower temperatures, it's sweeter than smoking, "says Hall.

Add the lemon juice to the bong

"While using a bang, use warm water with a hint of lemon juice – it is soothing and soothing to the throat," recommends Lunde.

The benefits of adding lemon juice do not stop there. "When using a bang, adding only two drops in the water prevents damage formation. Lemon juice also helps to eliminate the disgusting smell of bong water and keep things fresh, "says Honest Marijuana.

"Lemon tea and chamomile is great for the throat if it's painful."

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Sip lemon and chamomile tea

While smoking a joint, a glbad of water goes a long way. In addition, "lemon and chamomile tea is excellent for the throat if it is painful," says Hall. "If you find that tickling and tingling will not go away, a hot salt rinse helps," she adds.

"I always have hot tea, coffee or water when I go out," says Doug, a Winnipeg patient. "Honey tea is also a great option. In fact, I sometimes gargle with a mouthwash if my throat is irritated. "

Oil extraction

"By naturally covering the mouth, gums and throat with natural coconut oil, pulling oil greatly reduces the irritation of the throat," says Svoboda.

Oil drawing is an ancient health remedy that helps maintain oral health. "To pull the oil, put a tablespoon of oil in your mouth, then shake it for 15 to 20 minutes," recommends Healthline.

"Depending on your preferences, you can do it every day or once a week / month. Also add a few drops of tea tree oil to the water and gargle with it. It will almost instantly stop the pain, "Svoboda recommends.

Ditch old cannabis

Old is gold, but that may not be the case for marijuana.

The cause may be the consumption of expired cannabis, especially that which has not been purchased from a certified source.

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"Cannabis is a natural organism, which means that, like any other plant or flower, it will always be vulnerable to factors such as dust mites, fungi, mold, weather, excessive watering, excessive light and heat and various deficiencies, such as phosphorus, nitrogen deficiency in iron and calcium, "says Dr. Jordan Tishler, in the GrowthOp article, Is it possible that medical cannabis goes wrong?

The cause may be the consumption of expired cannabis, especially that which has not been purchased from a certified source. Doug, who has been using cannabis for medical purposes for four years, agrees. "Cannabis, especially if it's old or it's not well fired, can be very difficult for the throat."

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