Pursuit of Kwesi Nyantakyi. Anas must provide complete evidence – Gloria Akuffo


General News of Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Source: Myjoyonline.com


Gloria Akuffo Eed Gloria Akuffo, Attorney General

Attorney General Gloria Akuffo said that although her office is anxious to sue the former president of the struggling Ghana Football Federation (GFA), the evidence needed to continue the process default.

She said the Attorney General's department had requested the necessary documentation from the Tiger Eye P.I. company run by investigative journalist Anas Aremeyaw Anas, but has not yet received such information.

The ministry can take concrete action only when the required documents are provided and as long as it is not done, there is not much to do, she said.

His comments are in response to claims that the government is dragging its feet and does not want to sue FA president Kwesi Nyantakyi in power.

Mr Nyantakyi has been banned for life from all football related activities and will pay 500,000 Swiss francs (2,613,000) in violation of FIFA's rules on conflict of interest and corruption.

This ban follows an undercover investigation by investigative journalist Ance Aremeyaw Anas. This investigation was shown in a documentary # 12 and revealed corruption and corruption-related activities by referees and other football administrators.

The former president of GFA was caught in the influence of the video and demanded of the alleged investor, who was unwittingly an investigative reporter in plain clothes, a sum of money to settle the president, vice and d other ministers of state of Ghana.

Nyantakyi told the investigator that an amount of $ 11 million would be enough to settle the country's most influential politicians and facilitate its business activities in the country. He also told the investor to pay him a percentage of the sponsorship amount to sponsor the Ghana Premier League.

The documentary shocked the country. Anas then asked FIFA to take action against Mr Nyantakyi and also sent similar evidence to Ghana's Bureau of Economic and Organized Crime.

He also asked the Attorney General and other relevant bodies to open an investigation into Mr. Nyantakyi. However, nearly a year after that, Ghanaians complained of the slow attitude of the A-G vis-à-vis the case.

This prompted Anas to launch an online campaign – which has already received 3,808 signatures – to sue the former GFA boss. In an article in favor of his campaign, he was shocked by the GA's inability to deal with the case as it should, despite the indirect evidence that led FIFA to ban Mr. Nyantakyi.

"The police have completed investigations into the likely criminal behavior cases of Mr. Nyantakyi. They submitted their findings to the Attorney General last year [2018]. The Attorney General has not taken any action to date. Help us ask the Attorney General to move this case forward. Mr. Nyantakyi should be subject to criminal prosecution for some of his faults, which go up to crime, "Anas said.

Anas insists that Mr. Nyantakyi should not be allowed to exercise foresight and that "if Nyantakyi is not prosecuted, our collective fight against corruption will be meaningless. It will also send many citizens the message that the law only concerns the poor, but that the rich and the powerful can not be held responsible for their actions. "

However, the A-G baderts that its office can not be held responsible for the slowness of the proceedings.

She said "we will see lawsuits; we made that decision. But we must have all the evidence, which could affect our current project. I am surprised that the impression is given that, somewhat, we are not keen to sue. In fact, this is unfair to this office.

"Notably because we are dealing directly with Anas and that he knows the efforts we have made and what we are asking for and the fact that we have indicated what we needed to be able to continue, what it does not do. We have not yet provided, added Mrs. Akuffo.

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