Quakes alert Californians to be ready for the dreaded "Big One"


The shaken residents are cleaning up two of the biggest earthquakes that have rocked California for decades, while scientists warn that both should serve as an alarm bell to be ready when the "Big One", if long dreaded, strikes.

California spends more than $ 16 million to install thousands of earthquake-sensing sensors throughout the state that, according to authorities, will give utilities and trains precious seconds to stop before the beginning of shaking.

Governor Gavin Newsom said it was time for locals to do their part by mapping emergency evacuation routes and preparing earthquake kits including food, food and drink. 39, water, lights and other necessities.

"It's a wake-up call for the rest of the state and other parts of the country, frankly," Newsom told a news conference about efforts to help a desert region shaken by consecutive earthquakes .

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake Thursday and a magnitude 7.1 earthquake Friday were centered 18 kilometers from the small town of Ridgecrest, about 241 kilometers from Los Angeles.

Shawn Dodson, left, with the San Bernardino County Fire Department, piles up water boxes donated by Vince Burns, right, to the San Bernardino County Fire Station. Photo / AP
Shawn Dodson, left, with the San Bernardino County Fire Department, piles up water boxes donated by Vince Burns, right, to the San Bernardino County Fire Station. Photo / AP

Earthquakes blocked highways and caused the rupture of gas pipes that caused several house fires. Officials said that about 50 homes in the nearby small town of Trona had been damaged. No one was killed or seriously injured, which authorities attributed to the remote location of the Mojave Desert.

"Whenever we can cross a 7-point earthquake and we do not report death, serious injury, or significant structural damage, I want to say that it has been a blessing and a miracle", Kern County Fire Department spokesman Andrew Freeborn said Sunday.

Seismologists have stated that an earthquake of similar size in a large city like San Francisco, Los Angeles or San Diego could cause bridges, buildings and highways to collapse, as well as cause devastating fires fueled by defective gas lines.

"We are going to have a magnitude 6, on average, somewhere in southern California, we have not had 20 years, so we've had the quietest 20 years in history. Southern California, "said a seismologist. Lucy Jones from the California Institute of Technology.

"It is unlikely that this will continue in the long term," she added. "Geology continues to grow … and we should expect a higher rate, and when that happens near people, the situation will be much worse."

So the need for preparation, say Newsom and others.

Some Californians, like Greg Messigian of Los Angeles, say that they are already taking precautions. His awakening came after the Northridge earthquake in 1994, which killed 61 people and caused $ 15 billion worth of damage. His home in San Fernando Valley, just above the fault line, was almost destroyed.

"We had brick walls around the perimeter that had all fallen in. We had cracks in the pool, and inside the house, everything we had on a shelf was broken. Where they were and cracked, our chimney was broken, there were cracks in the walls. "

With the help of earthquake insurance, Messigian rebuilt.

On Sunday, the retired school teacher was reviewing his prep kit ensuring that he had everything he needed for the next earthquake.

A visitor takes a picture of a ground crack following recent earthquakes in Ridgecrest, California. Photo / AP
A visitor takes a picture of a ground crack following recent earthquakes in Ridgecrest, California. Photo / AP

Among the contents: enough water for a week, shoes and clothes in addition, blankets, flashlights, batteries, food, cell phone charger and food for the family dog. On top of that, he planned an emergency exit and kept a car parked in the garage and another in the driveway – in case the garage would fall on the car.

The 1994 earthquake was not the most devastating of the state. The famous 1906 earthquake in San Francisco killed 3000 people. A San Fernando earthquake in 1971, centered near the Northridge earthquake, killed 65. The 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake hit the Bay Area while the San Francisco Giants played the third match of the day. the World Series left 63 dead.

Kathy Mirescu, of Los Angeles, said she was planning to replenish her earthquake protection kit and that she had a boost after the earthquakes that she called the stronger than she has felt since moving to California in 2000.

"The magnitude of these earthquakes made it urgent to make sure we had everything we needed," she said.

The Salesforce product designer has spent $ 250 for everything from camping lanterns, waterproof torches and matches to non-perishable foods, iodine tablets to purify water and freeze-dried foods. for his dog.

As people prepared, authorities repaired roads and utilities.

The earthquakes triggered several house fires, cut off power, broke gas pipes, cracked buildings and flooded some homes when water pipes ruptured. Newsom has estimated the damage to more than $ 100 million and said President Donald Trump was calling to offer his support to the federal government.

All roads serving Ridgecrest, a city of 28,000, are safe, water and electricity have been restored, said police chief Jed McLaughlin. He added that the houses were inspected and that all government buildings had been declared safe.

Officials have asked several hundred people, at a community meeting on Sunday, to boil the tap for several days at least once she's come back.

A crowd listens to an official at a public meeting for residents of Ridgecrest following Sunday's earthquake in California. Photo / AP
A crowd listens to an official at a public meeting for residents of Ridgecrest following Sunday's earthquake in California. Photo / AP

Mayor Peggy Breeden said two trucks loaded with water were arriving in Ridgecrest and near Trona.

Several people said they needed advice after overcoming disturbances caused by earthquakes, including sleeping outside their home.

Breeden said the residents had proved their hardness. "Listen to this for Ridgecrest!" she said to a standing ovation.

Residents of Trona, southwest of Death Valley, reported that electricity was restored, but many homes still did not have access to water or gas. The city's residents of around 2000 lined up to get free water distributed by California National Guard soldiers at Trona High School.

"I just picked up a few cases for me and my dog," Jeb Haleman said, adding that his 40-year-old home would be uninjured.

While temperatures hover around 37 ° C, Sgt. Robert Madrigal said that the National Guard would provide water "as long as they would need us here".

Officials took precautions because of the heat and expectations of thousands of small replicas over the next few days.

According to the US Geological Survey, there was only 1% chance of an earthquake of magnitude greater than or equal to 7 in the coming week, and a growing probability of earthquakes of magnitude 6 or less.
The National Guard sent 200 soldiers, logistical support and planes, Major-General David Baldwin said.

The California Emergency Services Office has brought camp beds, water and meals and set up cooling centers in the area, said director Mark Ghilarducci.

– AP

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