Queen Elizabeth is "astonished" and "very impressed" by Meghan Markle


Despite the torrent of negative pressure that Meghan Markle received, she was in fact embraced by the royal family, including Queen Elizabeth.

Now that Markle is slowly preparing to resume his royal duties, after Archie Harrison's birth on May 8, the world is waiting to see how Markle will handle the transition to a working mother. According to a new report, there seems to be at least one very important person in the Markle area.

Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth II | Chris Jackson / Getty Images

Meghan Markle is a hard worker

Although Meghan Markle is now in a privileged position, she certainly was not born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Her mother was a social worker and yoga teacher, while her father was director of television lighting. From an early age, Markle was interested in the arts and, when she was a young woman, had a solid career in film and television, playing various roles. She is also badured of other odd jobs, including that of teaching calligraphy.

In 2011, Meghan Markle won the role of Rachel Zane in the television series. Suit. While playing in the series, Markle has continued to lend her time and energy to various charitable organizations and has become a strong supporter of feminist causes and charities working for gender equality. She even wrote articles for Elle magazine about the importance of social responsibility.

When Markle met Prince Harry in 2016 and their relationship began to grow and strengthen, she probably figured out that she would have to leave her Hollywood career if she wanted it to work with Prince Harry.

The two men announced their commitment in 2017 and Markle slowly began to withdraw from the scene, but she worked hard to plan the next stage of her life and how she could use her influence to do good in the world. .

Meghan Markle remained busy throughout her pregnancy

Following the marriage of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry in May 2018, many fans wondered when the newlyweds would decide to start their own family. In the end, they did not wait long: in October 2018, Markle and Prince Harry announced that they were expecting a baby.

Most pregnant women do not feel inclined to do more than lounging on the couch and ordering takeaway, but Markle has worked hard throughout her pregnancy.

In addition to accompanying Prince Harry to all his events and appearances, Markle looked fabulous even with four-inch heels. As her hump grew, Markle even revealed that she was still working and trying to stay as healthy as possible.

Queen Elizabeth is a strong supporter of Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle gave birth to her and her son Archie Harrison, Prince Harry, on May 8th. She would have had a stress free birth and the baby would have arrived in good health and adorable. Although Markle did not have a home delivery that she allegedly wanted, the delivery to the hospital went off without complications. The new parents have been relatively discreet since the baby's arrival, but in the next two months, Markle will resume his royal duties.

Queen Elizabeth would be very impressed by the way Markle has managed to manage motherhood in the spotlight so far, and is particularly pleased with her drive and work ethic.

Certainly, Markle will need all the support and encouragement she can get back to work later this year. Balancing work and parenting is a difficult task, as any mother can attest, and with the enormous pressure on Markle, it's probably much more difficult.

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