Rachel Maddow, the center left on the cable, will not let go of the Mueller probe.


Rachel Maddow, the queen of collusion, does not back down.

A day after the Attorney General, William P. Barr, declared that the special prosecutor, Robert S. Mueller III, had not found any collusion between the campaign of President Trump and the Russian agents, Maddow – the main and the most stubborn conspirator on TV in prime time – still not buying. he.

Instead, Maddow went on to two related questions: did Trump prevent justice? And did Barr let him get away with it?

"Whatever the information [Barr] Robert Mueller has just received information about the president's behavior with respect to potential hindrance to obstruction of justice, Barr may have simply conveyed this information to [Congress] for them to decide what to do, "Maddow said Monday night in his MSNBC program. "But instead, inexplicably, he decided to make the decision to definitely declare," Yeah, you know, I've looked at all this, and I can tell you there's no crime over there , It's okay. "

She added, "Where does this come from? I mean, on what grounds do you say you concluded that there is no crime here?

Maddow's monologue suggests that she is not moved by the many attacks on her for provoking a plot in Russia that, at least according to the Attorney General, seems to have failed. His nocturnal deconstructions of the case against Trump have earned him to be the iconic figure of the anti – Trump left and have encouraged him to become the most popular figure of the trump. cable news.

Trump supporters hit Maddow after the publication of Barr's four-page memo Sunday. The memo stated that Mueller's investigation over the 22 months of the investigation had not provided sufficient evidence to conclude that Trump and his badociates were involved in a conspiracy with Russia to influence the elections of He also said that Mueller had not yet determined whether Trump had obstructed efforts to investigate him – this did not exempt him, among other things.

Critics have continued Maddow on the first part. "Today's AG Barr memo functionally renders every @maddow episode of TOTAL FICTION over the past 22 months," Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), Conservative Representative on Sunday.

WikiLeaks, which published pirated documents by Russian agents of the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 campaign, retweeted a comment while reading"In anything that might sound like a healthy-minded world, Rachel Maddow would be unloading her desk in a cardboard box today."

Sean Hannity, the main rival of Maddow, asked Fox to apologize for the "lies".

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders tweeted a satirical New York Post chart that Maddow was at the top of a group of NCAA basketball animators and commentators titled "Mueller Madness." ".

In fact, Maddow started early and often under the angle of collusion, although she sometimes covered her comment.

In March 2017, for example, she said: "If the worst is true, if the presidency is actually a Russian operation, is not it, if the US presidency at the moment is the product? of a collusion between Russian intelligence services and an American campaign – I mean, it's so deeply big. We must not only stay focused on solving the problem, but also begin to prepare for the consequences that may ensue. We need to start thinking about how we will handle the worst revelations if they are revealed, if they prove true. "

In a six-week period in 2017, the Intercept news site revealed that 53 percent of Maddow's programming was Russian-focused, resulting in a sneaky discussion of any other issue.

Maddow's unwavering focus on this issue has made it a major attraction for MSNBC and the key to improving the network's position against its longtime rival, Fox News. Maddow defies most nights of the week, Hannity, its direct competitor in the time slot and its ideological opposite, for the world's widest audience of cable news and often cable in general. And several evenings, it wins: In February, it attracted an average of 3.06 million viewers per night, a result slightly above the average of Hannity (3.02 million) when everyone animated his program, according to the figures from Nielsen.

More generally, the Mueller probe has been one of MSNBC's priorities, helping to consolidate its position in front of CNN but behind Fox as the second cable news network. According to the FiveThirtyEight website, MSNBC spent more than 40% of the time on the Mueller probe compared to CNN in 2018 and more than twice as long as Fox.

MSNBC declined to comment on Maddow, sending a journalist back to her program.

In his first show since the publication of Barr's memo, Maddow barely mentioned collusion.

Instead, she skeptically focused on the brief summary of Mueller's findings, asking why the Attorney General, appointed by Trump, had decided that there was insufficient evidence to accuse Trump of obstruction, despite his reluctance to make the same decision.

At the same time, she noted that Leon Jaworski, the special prosecutor charged with the investigation of President Richard Nixon in the Watergate case, had submitted his report to Congress in 1974, including an overwhelming testimony of the grand jury against Nixon , without drawing any conclusion as to the potential criminality of the president.

She called for the publication of Mueller's full report and the underlying evidence, an idea that the House unanimously approved earlier this month. She also asked 15 questions about Barr's conduct, including the latest, "Will Trump recognize that Russia has attacked our election?"

In all, it is strongly suggested that Maddow has not finished with Trump and the ongoing investigations into his presidency. He also seemed to answer sarcastic questions tweeted Monday by Geraldo Rivera, host of Fox News following Barr's note: "What are the [MSNBC host] @NicolleDWallace & @maddow going to do tonight? S & # 39; excuse? Say it does not matter? And so on?

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