Racist Catholic statue provokes anger in Ghana | General news


Ghanaians have reacted angrily to a 'racist' statue commissioned by the Catholic Church in Ghana.

The statue is said to have been unveiled at Tepa Roman Catholic Cave in Manfo, Brong Region, and represents a white angel standing beneath her feet with a dark-skinned demon.

Ghanaians on social media have strongly condemned the statue as racist, thus giving credence to the ideology of white supremacy since his picture was posted on Facebook on Monday.

The Caucasian angel with white wings and straight hair is also represented dressing up as a Roman soldier and holding a sword, while the dark-skinned devil is also depicted with his hair in layers while he is defeated.

Yaw Amoffaya Amofah Antwi, who first published the photo of the statue on Facebook, called the Roman Catholic cave Tepa to demolish it immediately.

"It's so disgusting and annoying. I just saw this at the Roman Catholic cave Tepa Manfo. Where did we go wrong as black pll? Satan is black and the angel is white. Mental slavery [sic], He said, asking "the Catholic Church (Tepa manfo cave) to dismantle this statue immediately. It's an insult to the black race. It's an insult to Africans. It is an insult to the Ghanaians. I am so sad and weak. Why always black ?? [sic]. "

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