Ras Mubarak condemns Parliament for ignoring the victims of accident | Policy


Parliament has been criticized for observing a minute of silence about the victims of the shootings in New Zealand as well as the citizens of Zimbabwe, Malawi and Mozambique who died and were displaced in the wake of the cyclone, instead of dozens of people two of their own country, Ghana, died last Friday.

Social media was flooded with various comments, many wondering why Parliament had not yet responded to the tragic news or was observing a minute of silence for the more than 50 victims.

Adding her voice to an interview in Citi Eyewitness news on Monday, Kumbungu MLA Ras Mubarak, who was not in the House at the time, said the public was right to say that it was "dead." To be indignant.

"I found it rather strange that more than 70 of our compatriots died in Friday's double accident and that the parliament representing the Ghanaian population showed no support for the victims of the accident. This is very disappointing and if the public is angry, it is rightly so. The misfortune of the public is just indignation. . . we had to live up to the situation, but unfortunately we did not measure up, " he said.

He also deplored the fact that the government has not yet responded to this horrible accident.

"… It is not only the Parliament that did not respect (the occasion), look at the government's response to crises, absolutely shocking … The President did not I do not think it's necessary to go through, what will it take for the president to come from Accra to visit those at the hospital? " He asked.

Click the audio above to listen to Ras Mubarak

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