Rawlings questions superficial media talk about religion, politics and social issues


General News on Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Source: Myjoyonline.com


Jerry Rawlings 1 Former President Jerry John Rawlings

Former President Jerry John Rawlings has expressed concern about the "giddy" way of dealing with the religious, social and political issues of some media.

He added that this practice has helped to dehumanize and make Ghanaians superficial. "We are doing too much politics with the truth," he said.

"Some of us have very little understanding of human nature or the power of God and yet we want to propagate questions about God and godliness and we reduce the substance and spiritual essence of our humanity," said the former president meeting with the leaders of the Afrikania mission in Accra on Tuesday.

The former president described as a perpetuation of degradation, the situation in which the media put forward a superficial talk about religion, politics and social issues, especially on radio and television.

"For the average mind, once the TV or radio station has it, then it's good. The lightness of what we see or hear is degrading us. "

The former president also criticized the NDC for reinvigorating the clbad structure.

"We liberators [NDC] ended up perpetuating a clbad rule in this country. The NDC / NDC came to liberate us, but the same NDCs from the time of Mills until now ended up restoring and perpetuating the clbad structure. "

The former president said that the PNDC was the expression of the will of the people.

"As head of state and leader, I did not ignore the aspirations and sensibilities of our people. When someone wants to replace our culture with another, it's better to be good and better than what we have, but in the name of freedom of worship and expression, all kinds of nonsensical things are allowed . "

Mr. Rawlings recalled that in 1979, after reading an article by Bishop Sarpong recognizing the value of libation, he invited him to join the AFRC. He was impressed that an Orthodox Catholic priest could recognize the value of libation, but the Catholic hierarchy of the time declined his request.

"We should show a little more sense, a little more responsibility with regard to our relationship with God. What is important is that religion shows compbadion, love and respect for one another. But adopting a position that disrespects our ancestors is not enough, "said the former president.

Previously, the Afrikania mission, headed by its head of mission, Osofo Komfo Atsu Kove, had expressed his concern about the relegation of traditional African religion to the national level. They lamented the government 's refusal to allow libation at national events and said it was a clear manifestation of the lack of respect by the authorities. for our ancestors.

The Mission said that despite several instances urged to resume libation of libation at national events, because that is our culture, the government has been turning a deaf ear for eight years. The government's action is provocative and tacitly endorses the attack on shrines and traditional icons by adherents of the imported religion, the mission said.

The Afrikania mission stated that it was unfortunate that at a time when we are questioning about the lack of recognition of certain religious practices in schools, the traditional African religion is described as being pagan, venerating idols and backward in textbooks.

The group said it was imperative to sow seeds of religious tolerance while respecting the right of followers of traditional African religion to practice their culture.

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