Rawlings refuses offer to rename UDS


Former President Rawlings said it was his policy not to name state facilities.

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The government is facing renewed opposition to its intention to present a revolutionary bill to Parliament regarding the country's public universities.

The latest is the name change of four public universities.

Former president, Jerry John Rawlings, declined the project to rename the University of Development Studies (UDS).

In a statement on Tuesday, Rawlings said that when he was approached in 2017 for the name change, "he thanked the president and the government for this honor, but politely declined".

According to the statement, Rawlings' reason for rejecting the offer is that it has "a long-standing policy not to have monuments and national facilities named for its monuments".

"Indeed, in November 2015, when the government of the day proposed to name the Cape Cape floatation, production, storage and offloading vessel (FPSO), after it, it also denied 39; offer ".

Rawlings has since written to the Minister of Education "to reiterate his position and kindly ask that the change of name of UDS after him be removed from the bill that will be submitted to Parliament."

"The former president again thanks the president and all those who, in various ways, are keen to acknowledge his contribution to the development of education in the country," the statement said.

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