Reassure the parents who are on the fence about vaccines


Rebadure the parents who are on the fence about vaccines

02 APRIL 2019

Mary Koslap – Petraco DNP, PNPPC – BC, CPNP, FAANP of the School of Nurse Practitioners of Stony Brook University, advises nurses to listen to worried parents and rebadure them. they want the best for their children.


We must listen first. When we deal with parents who are, I hope most, gatekeepers. They have a lot of questions, they have heard a lot, but they are always willing to listen to the positive side of the vaccination. We must listen and listen carefully to answer all these questions honestly. Do not forget that we know that it is science, but when we talk to parents, it is an emotional speech. So, we have to remember that we have to start emotionally with parents. Find a topic on which you can agree with the parents, say right away: "I know you want the best for your children, and I want the same," and then continue the discussion from there.

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