Recent Match Report – Warwickshire vs Somerset Division 1 2021


Warwickshire 283 for 4 (Hain 83 *, Rhodes 60, Sibley 56) vs Somerset

It would be difficult to say the exact moment when a collective consciousness swept over Edgbaston. It wasn’t early in the day when Warwickshire was inserted. It wasn’t at lunch, which they hit 80 for 1. It wasn’t even at tea, when they got 161 for 3.

But somewhere in this last session, maybe as Sam Hain and Matt Lamb got up to a stand of 122 in 34 overs, something changed. As the shadows lengthened, so did the hopes. The spectators, who had watched relatively calmly throughout the day, began to find their voices. Gradually, the unmistakable feeling arose: Warwickshire can win.

If they want to do it, the first session on the second day can be crucial. As Hampshire started the round of games 3.5 points clear, they couldn’t earn a single bonus point at batting in their game against Lancashire. This means that, if Warwickshire can reach 350 in 110 overs, they will earn their fourth bonus point at batting (these are only available in the first 110 overs of a team’s first innings) and get ahead of them. They resume on day two requiring 67 of the next 14 overs to do so, a rate of 4.78 an over.

It would not be the end of their task either. They would still have to win the game. They should always take maximum bowling bonus points. And they would still have to hope that Lancashire – currently 25 for 3 – do not score 400 in their first innings and win their match against Hampshire. But you can only take one step at a time and the point is that the first day of this game could hardly have gone better from Warwickshire’s point of view.

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