Recent rains create fertile ground for mosquitoes – News – Pawhuska Journal-Capital


By Drew Butler / [email protected]


May 31, 2019 at 11:00

Recent rains have resulted in rapid growth of grbad and weeds and have turned some backyard pools into fertile ground for mosquitoes. Code enforcement has received a large number of complaints, but Community Development Director Jessica Scott has said that everyone in the city needs to work together to keep lawns mowed – thus preventing a lot of land. conducive to mosquitoes, mice and other vermin.
"Weeds are really bad this year. They are everywhere in the city and they are only growing, "said Scott. "But if we do not start to mow, we will have mosquitoes, then we will have mice that will bring the snakes."
Scott said another problem with tall weeds and weeds is the adornment found in the street. This goes against municipal ordinances and Scott explained why it is so important to keep garden yards off the road.
"It enters our stormwater management system and can block it so that it does not drain properly. Then, when we have rain, it may look like crossing a lake, "said Scott. "Once it's gone in, it starts to rot and attracts mosquitoes and other vermin. It hurts everyone when it happens. "
Scott said another major source of mosquitoes comes from pools and stagnant water plans.
"All you need is a green pond in your neighborhood, and the mosquitoes are so terrible that you can not go out," Scott said. She added that the empty bins having accumulated rainwater was another major problem. "It's an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes."
Scott urged everyone who saw green pools to turn them into code enforcement. The owner will have 10 days to resolve the situation, but in the meantime, the city can at least prevent the growth of mosquitoes.
"All code enforcement officers carry anti-mosquito dunks. So, if we encounter a green pond or a pond that is raising mosquitoes, we can treat it immediately, "said Scott. She added that the city also crossed the city by spraying mosquitoes at dawn and dusk.
Lorraine Acevedo, local emergency coordinator for the Carter County Department of Health, reinforced Scott's statement about stagnant bodies of water.
"Just make sure to drain the stagnant water that you have so that mosquitoes can not lay their eggs," said Acevedo. "If you can not throw it away, you can use anti-mosquito dunks which is a larvicide."
Acevedo said that no case of illness caused by mosquitoes had been reported this year. However, the busiest season of insects is generally from June to August. She added that last year, cases of mosquito-borne diseases such as West Nile virus had decreased in Oklahoma and could be even rarer this year.
"The type of mosquito we usually get, the one that transmits West Nile, prefers drier temperatures," said Acevedo. She said heavy rains in the region this year could make this species of insect less populated. But it is always better to be vigilant.
"The best thing to do is to cover your skin," said Acevedo. "We recommend wearing long sleeves and pants when you are outdoors and avoiding outdoor activities at dusk and dawn. It is at this time that mosquitoes are the most active. "
She said that when it's too hot, long sleeves and pants should always use an insect repellent.
"We mainly recommend using DEET. You can also use the pinardin, which is also very good, "said Acevedo. She said that those who like to use a natural repellent should use lemon eucalyptus oil, but stressed that it should be pure essential oil.
Acevedo said that one of the best ways to avoid mosquitoes is to keep them from being around you – that is, to drain or treat the water bodies where mosquitoes lay. their eggs. This is where code can be applied if a neighbor's job site is a problem. To inform enforcement officials of the code for tall grbad, stagnant pools, or any other possible code violations in the city of Ardmore, contact the Ardmore Community Development Department at (580). 223-3477.

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