Recommend Evangelism and Good Works – The CACI Leader Urges Christians


Religion of Monday, April 15, 2019



George Yeboah CACI President of the Apostolic Church of Christ International (CACI), Apostle George Yeboah

As Easter approaches, Apostle George Yeboah, President of the International Apostolic Church of Christ (CACI), urged Christians to imitate Christ by testifying to non-believers. saved and sacrificing their resources for nation-building and improving the lot of the poor.

Christ had done his part – endured a painful and shameful death to reconcile humanity with God and it was incumbent upon Christians to share the message of the cross so that every sinner would receive mercy, reconciliation and peace.

"Easter is the time to reflect soberly on the sacrifice of Christ by God for us, keeping in mind that it is our separation from God that brought us an untimely death, untold hardship. , diseases, poverty and other calamities, "he said.

"Now that we are saved, we accomplish the great mission by sacrificing our material resources, our intellect, our time, and all the good things we have for evangelism and good works, without expecting anything in return."

Apostle Yeboah, who took office a few weeks ago as the eighth president of CACI, spoke in an interview with the Ghana News Agency on the importance of Easter for the Christian of today.

Easter commemorates the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the most important Christian festival because history is essential to the Christian faith. This year's celebration has been scheduled from April 18, Holy Thursday, to April 21, Resurrection Sunday.

Many churches have conventions and crusades to re-engage in their faith and win souls. Others also donate, especially to orphanages.

Apostle Yeboah said that the CACI would focus on both, explaining that there would be an eternal reward for those who were busy winning souls.

"The Bible says in Philippians 2: 9-11, that Jesus was exalted when he made the ultimate sacrifice to humanity to free man from eternal damnation and that he finally obeyed God. "

In answer to a question asked by some preachers about the profession, that once a person accepted Christ, his salvation was guaranteed forever, regardless of subsequent sins, because salvation "is a gift of grace and not human efforts, "said Apostle Yeboah. dangerous doctrine.

"The CACI believes that a Christian may fall out of favor if he voluntarily disobeys God, which is why we are exhorted to work our own salvation with fear and trembling," he said. quoting Hebrews 10: 26-27 to strengthen his position.

"For if we sin willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful look of judgment and fiery indignation, which must devour the adversaries."

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