Recovery and sleep: how to maximize muscle growth and athletic performance


Sleep is often one of the most undervalued aspects of recovery, health (both emotional and physical), muscle growth and athletic performance. If you do not pay attention to optimizing your sleep habits and hygiene, you will find it difficult to progress as a healthy athlete, or to reach your full potential in your efforts.


Sleep performs many recovery functions, but physical and psychological recovery are two of the most important.

Most people lead hectic and busy lives, so often that sleep is neglected, but with the following tips, correct supplementation, you can improve your sleep and recovery.


During early childhood, childhood and adolescence, sleep plays a vital role in development because it is the time of day when the greatest amount of growth hormones is secreted.

Similarly, although their amount decreases significantly, these hormones continue to be secreted in adulthood, stimulating protein synthesis, which is essential for muscle growth. This process plays an important role in recovery after physical exertion as it helps to consolidate the worn cells of the athlete's muscles and to form new ones.

Therefore, here is how (and when) most muscles are built. In addition, these changes in fiber are also part of the process, eliminating the fatigue you feel in your body after a workout.

sleep muscle growth crossfit athlete

When you start recovering from physical exertion, the food you digest is broken down into the components needed to "feed" the cells in your body, a broader process to which damaged muscle repair belongs. During sleep, physiological functions such as increased parasympathetic activity of the nervous system determine stimulation of digestion and additional support for muscle recovery.

A sleep supplement, such as Sleep Aid Alpha Wolf Nutrition can be a very effective way to improve the quality of your sleep. Their combination of liposomes (fast absorption technology allowing you to fall asleep quickly), melatonin (helps you control your daily sleep-wake cycles) and GABA (helps your body and mind relax and relax) Asleep) provides fast relief.

In addition, the immune system also benefits from the processes badociated with sleep, thereby regaining much of its pathogen control potential when the "active" state of the body returns.

Muscle growth and sleep


Our brains process a huge amount of data each day. Recalling information, memorizing the name of some new vocabulary in a foreign language you are learning, making decisions and recalling your last vacation, all of these activities put a heavy burden on the neurons, the cells of your brain.

Do you have trouble falling asleep? Try that…

Therefore, just as your body feels tired at the end of a workout, your brain does the same after intense intellectual activity. The brain does not stop completely during sleep, but remains active, especially at the stage of rapid eye movements, when dreams and sleepwalking or conversation occur alongside other processes.

However, on the five stages of a sleep cycle, two allow the brain to significantly reduce its activity and recover mental efforts made during the day. They are collectively and aptly called "deep sleep" and take place just before the last hectic stage of the REM cycle.

Muscle growth sleep

In addition, scientists believe that sleep works wonders to keep the mood under control because it is said to fundamentally reset your perception of recent events. You may have noticed that the anxiety or anger you experienced before falling asleep one night had a greatly reduced emotional impact the next morning.

This occurs without you being aware of it, while during REM sleep, your brain relives and categorizes the events that caused the distress. As a result, you begin to see them in a new, more balanced light, which prevents you from overreacting or allowing them to cause illnesses such as depression. In fact, research has shown that this type of mental health problem is closely related to the amount and quality of sleep that is enjoyed.


Knowledge is power. Therefore, by understanding the processes and hormones related to sleep patterns, you will be able to improve your quality and your sleep cycles.


  • Our body needs melatonin to regulate our circadian rhythm (internal clock), which warns us of when it is time to go to sleep and when to wake up.
  • Melatonin has been well studied, but in one of the most recent studies in 2012, researchers found that melatonin improved both quality and duration of sleep, as well as morning vigilance.


  • Short for Gamma-aminobutyric acidit is a neurotransmitter that reduces the activity of the central nervous system. It has a natural relaxation effect when it is taken before bedtime.
  • In fact, in a recent study, researchers found that there was a direct correlation between insomnia, disruptive sleep and reduced levels of GABA in the brain.

Improve your intake of GABA before going to bed


  • This amino acid, present in large amounts in green tea, can help with relaxation and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. L-Theanine actually works to increase GABA levels.
  • L-Theanine also appears to trigger the release of "alpha waves", brain waves present during the paradoxical sleep cycle and enhancing relaxation and focus.

Muscle growth, athlete


Sleep Hygiene 'Sleep hygiene' is the term used to describe good sleep habits.


We all have different lives, with many factors that can influence sleep patterns (young children, shift work, changing environmental seasons, etc.), but the following tips are essential to create a sleep routine that will will wake you physically ready for each new day.


The first step in your nighttime performance routine should involve some form of relaxation. Whether it's a cold conversation, reading a book, meditation or breathing exercises, will help you relax and reduce your stress level. As an example, try taking about an hour before going to bed when you turn off your laptop, phone, or television, and focus on the activities above.

  1. Hydration

The amount of fluid in and around a muscle cell is a sign of muscle growth and it is extremely easy to tick this box before hitting the hay.

muscle growth muscle up

At night, you will be dehydrated and the situation will worsen if you sleep in a hot environment; It is therefore recommended to stop taking liquids for about an hour before going to bed to avoid waking up frequently.


Sleep Aid Alpha Wolf Nutrition is a very effective way to optimize your routine and your quality of sleep.

Their fast absorption system provides a fundamental set of nutrients specially designed to help you fall asleep QUICKLY and sleep soundly so that you can wake up ready to face all the challenges that lie ahead! Their high quality sleep aid includes:

  • Liposomes – fast absorption technology for you to fall asleep quickly
  • Melatonin – helps control your daily sleep-wake cycles
  • GABA – helps the body and mind to relax and fall asleep
  • L-theanine – helps increase relaxation and reduce stress
  • Glutathione – "Master Antioxidant" reduces oxidative stress on the body


Make sure your room is dark enough.

In a perfect world, we have a tightly controlled interaction of stress hormone cortisol / adrenaline and melatonin, a relaxing hormone. When the sun rises, your body produces more cortisol, which allows you to wake up gradually.

To do this, your body also reduces the level of melatonin that it produces. On the other hand, when the sun goes down and before smart phones, your body reduces cortisol and increases melatonin so you can sleep well at night.

In today's world, where we are still connected and our devices are distressing, we are producing less melatonin and more cortisol, making it more difficult to fall asleep at night and to optimize muscle growth.

In short: the more we are stimulated before going to bed, the more difficult it will be to fall asleep at last.


After the last point, electromagnetic or smog fields quickly become a hot topic of discussion in terms of hormonal health issues.

A recent study has established a link between frequent exposure to EMF waves and increased severity of autoimmune disease. Turn off your WiFi at night and place your phone in airplane mode at least five to ten feet from your head.


Your sleep patterns and sleep hygiene have significant effects on your health, fitness, muscle growth, emotional well-being and stress levels. Build a routine that promotes your body and mind, use the best supplements you can, such as Alpha Wolf Nutriton, and get ready for tomorrow's success.

Optimize your sleep now

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