Reducing calories improves health indicators, even in thin adults, study finds


Studies suggest that adults with a healthy weight and cutting about 300 calories a day could significantly improve their blood sugar levels and reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes.

This reduction in calories has also resulted in improved cholesterol profile, blood pressure and other health indicators.

The Duke University Health System conducted the trial on the badumption that not only does weight loss lead to improved health, but also a more complex change in health. metabolism caused by lower calorie consumption.

The researchers randomized 218 adults under the age of 50 with a healthy BMI to eat either normally or three meals a day, while reducing their daily calories by a quarter. The three groups of daily meals in the caloric restriction group were also fed for one month while they learned the basics of calorie reduction.

The study lasted two years and participants reduced their calorie intake by choosing from six different meal plans, tailored to cultural preferences or dietary needs. Participants also received individual and group counseling during the first six months of the trial.

Although we were asked to limit calories by 25%, the average reduction in calories in the caloric restriction group after two years was about 12%, which corresponds to 300 calories. This group suffered a 10% weight loss, including 71% fat. They also found an improvement in the markers of metabolic disease, heart disease, cancer and cognitive decline.

"This shows that even a less severe modification than the one used in this study could reduce the burden of diabetes and cardiovascular disease in our country," said lead author William E. Kraus, MD, a Duke cardiologist. Health. "People can do it quite easily by just looking at their little indiscretions here or there, or maybe reducing the number, like not nibbling after dinner."

The researchers do not fully understand the mechanisms behind the improvements, but have already begun testing exploring the results.

"There is something about caloric restriction, a mechanism we do not yet understand that leads to these improvements," said Kraus. "We have collected blood, muscle and other samples from these participants and will continue to explore what could be this metabolic signal or this magic molecule."

The results appear in The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology.

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