Reinstate all licensed STE staff members – Afenyo-Markin asks


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Mr. Alexander Afenyo-Markin, member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Parliament for Effutu, called for the reinstatement of all fired staff, both teaching and non-teaching, from the Winneba University of Education (UEW).

S addressing reporters in Accra on Friday, he said that the decision of the vice-chancellor (VC) of the STE, the Reverend p. Professor Anthony Afful-Broni, only reinstating three speakers was "half-cooked", which was contrary to the spirit of the decision to reinstate the some 30 employees laid off.

He stated that the decision taken at a meeting in which he participated, involving the Board of Governors and a delegation of the Ministry of Education, was that all staff members disagreed with the new leadership had to be reinstated.

Afenyo-Markin said that if Professor Afful-Broni failed to bring reconciliation to the university, he would have to leave his VC post.

"I have taken a stand that if the resume can not demonstrate its ability to come to terms, there is no point in being there.

"We all trust him – we all believed in his position for the university, which is why when he petitioned my office with some of his colleagues." I approached the issue, so I'm a little disappointed when people say office interferes in university affairs, "he said.


The UEW reinstated three speakers whose bag triggered a student protest leading to the closure of the university.

The reinstated lecturers are Professor Ephraim Avea Nsoh, Senior Professor at the Language Teaching College in Ajumako; Dr. Frimpong Kakyire Duku, Local President of the Association of University Teachers of Ghana (UTAG), and a representative of the alumni of the University Council, Dr. Emmanuel Osei Sarpong.

According to the Association of University Teachers of Ghana (UTAG), the Reverend Father Afful-Broni had launched himself into a frenzy, eliminating critics and dissidents after being sworn in as Vice Chancellor in March 2018 after a period of unrest within the university.

The university was closed as a result of protests that continued for three days by the students.

At least 30 members of the teaching and non-teaching staff have reportedly been dismissed since Professor Afful-Broni took office.


Afenyo-Markin said the Vice Chancellor had listened to good advice by reinstating the three sacked speakers.

However, he said, "I'm afraid we're not giving a half-done solution, we need a complete solution, we need to solve the problem once and for all." As far as I know, I attended the meetings and the conclusions arrived there too.

All those who were fired as a result of disagreements with the new management in one way or another were supposed to be reinstated.

"I think the vice-chancellor is well aware of this and he and I know that these people, most of them, have been seen as supporters of Professor Mawutor Avoke (formerly VC). to ensure reconciliation, reconciliation should not be done in a way that does not give a positive impression, "he said.


Mr. Afenyo-Markin told the six-person gang that Professor Mawutor Avoke, a former STE VC, and his group were supposed to be compensated.

Therefore, he said, it was necessary to have a complete package and a full announcement, but the mid-term solution explaining that others are also on the table creates a worrying situation.

"I plead with the Vice-Chancellor, I do not mean the Board of Governors, the Vice-Chancellor is the Complainant, all the cases submitted to the Board of Governors are from the Vice-Chancellor." According to the text, the VC is the plaintiff or the head of discipline, initiates the move and is referred to the board of governors.

"I would like to implore all stakeholders to work tirelessly and ensure that this issue is resolved once and for all.

"We have a duty to Ghana and academia to make sure that things are done right, if we let things get out of hand and we say it's academic freedom, autonomy and everything. One day, it will come back and haunt all What was wrong yesterday is still wrong today and will remain so tomorrow Let's look at the critical issues and address them once and for all so that ultimately all the staff concerned see themselves as one and the same, "he said. I said.

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