Renowned Obuasi MCE leads 2022 fee setting discussions


Hon. Elijah Adansi-Bonah, the presiding candidate for the post of municipal general manager of Obuasi, noted that while the Assembly appreciates the devastating effects of COVID-19 on its businesses, it was prudent to ensure that the levies / taxes owed to the Assembly are collected to ensure a stable and healthy economy of the Assembly and for socio-economic development.

He made this call during a town hall meeting held in Obuasi on Monday, September 20, 2021 to discuss the 2021 fee fixing resolution with the different stakeholders of the municipality and also to report on the main performances of the Assembly.

The main objective of the meeting was to solicit contributions from the business community and other like-minded entrepreneurs as well as citizens to agree on what it was reasonable to charge as fees and levies during the year to come.

Participants who took an active part in the deliberations included members of the Assembly, chairmen and secretaries of unit committees, accredited revenue collectors of the Assembly, representatives of professional associations such as station operators. -service, hairdressers, market women, mechanics and beer bar operators, among others.

The candidate for municipal chief executive, in his interaction with the media, described the various development projects (ongoing and completed) that the Assembly has undertaken.

He said that “we have several projects some of which are ongoing and others completed; Adaase school, New Nsuta JHS school block which broke down has been repaired. The main drains at Stadium Junction, Born Again Junction and Holy Child Junction are all being repaired ”.

He also spoke of a plethora of projects that the Assembly has planned to start next year. These included; a 1-floor clinic n ° 2 with accommodation in New Nsuta Auntie B near the central market in Obuasi, completion of school blocks in Sanso, Bogobiri and Kokoteasua as well as some road projects in Obuasi.

He advised residents of the Municipality to pay their dues to the Assembly as part of their duties and obligations.

Ms. Edna Vivian Arkoh, Municipal Budget Analyst in her presentation revealed that the Assembly has taken into account the critical situation and the welfare of taxpayers due to the effects of COVID-19, so there is no had a major increase in revenue items.

She supported the call made by the MCE candidate for residents to fulfill their duties / obligations by paying their Assembly dues duly and promptly.

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