Reply: Ellembelle DCE has never insulted Freddie Blay, John Boadu – Constituency Committee


Policy of Thursday, April 4, 2019



Kwasi Bonzo Kwasi Bonzo, Ellembelle DCE

The constituency committee of the NPP Ellembelle expressed dissatisfaction after reports that DCE Kwasi Bonzoh verbally abused party president Freddie Blay and John Boadu (national secretary).

The media reported earlier that the WFD has committed acts that, in one way or another, have created serious disunity within the party, including the denigration of two national leaders. .

In a petition allegedly signed by the Constituency President and addressed to the Chief of Staff and Minister of Local Government, the WFD allegedly engaged in wrongdoing including the calling of John Boadu. a thief for rigging a polling station election in favor of Freddie Blay, who would also have been the victim of insults.

In a press release dated April 2, 2019, constituency officials determined that there were no such incidents, the above-mentioned charges being attempts by some "selfish" leaders to tarnish the reputation harshly. acquired by the Honorable DCE for Ellembelle. , Kwasi Bonzoh

"In their haste to denigrate the WFD, the petitioners have ridiculously accused it of engaging in acts that, one way or another, have created a division and continue to disintegrate. to thicken day by day ". In support of their comments, they spoke of a gathering of Esiama Zone officials on March 3, 2019, in which the DCE reportedly "collected the cell phones of all polling station officials and insulted the national president," he said. # 39; Hon. Freddie Blay and the party's secretary general, John Boadu ". This allegation is not only a blatant lie, but also a well-calculated attempt by the petitioners to create a disaffection for the WFD in the eyes of the party hierarchy of the NPP in the service of their selfish interests. " The statement read

read their full statement


Our attention was drawn to a petition observed on and other online news portals titled "Reputable Conduct of Ellimelle DCE, Hon. Kwasi Bonzoh"

We wish to state unequivocally that the constituency committee of Ellembelle of our great New Patriotic Party (NPP) has NEVER been meeting since our election in April of last year to discuss any alleged misconduct of our DCE in order to take any resolution to solicit the high function of the Team Leader. So we were extremely disappointed to wake up on April Fool's Day to see the social media news about a petition claiming to have been written by electoral district leaders in the riding of Ellembelle, of which we subscribed the six (6), namely 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Assistant Secretary, Nasara Coordinator, Deputy Coordinator Nasara and Financial Secretary are key members.

The petition itself, besides being frivolous, is obviously a sinister attempt by some independent members of the constituency executive to tarnish the hard-earned reputation of the Hon. DCE for Ellembelle, Kwasi Bonzoh, because of the upcoming primary parliamentarians. We therefore challenge the petitioners to write the minutes of the constituency executive meeting during which it was decided to write the said petition.

We wish to add that our only motive for this counter-petition is to set the record straight on the real issues facing our beloved party in the riding. In this regard, we would like to address some of the unfounded allegations of the petitioners.

In their haste to discredit the WFD, the petitioners have ridiculously accused it of "committing acts that, one way or another, have created a division and continue to grow." day by day". In support of their remarks, they referred to a "meeting of polling station officials" on 3 March 2019 in the Esiama area, during which the WFD "collected the cell phones of all the persons in charge of the offices. of voting and blasted the national president, the Hon. Freddie Blay and the party's secretary general, John Boadu ". This allegation is not only a blatant lie, but also a well-calculated attempt by the petitioners to create disaffection for the DCE in the eyes of the NPP party hierarchy, serving their selfish interests.

Unfortunately, the riding president, Mr. Samuel Akainyah, and his group swore collectively never to cooperate with the DCE because it was not their preferred choice for the position. So we find it absurd the president, who prefers to visit the constituency with a future parliamentary candidate, to turn around and accuse the WFD of causing divisions within the party. In fact, President Akainyah, who never conceals his disdain for the DCE, publicly and privately, has always refused to honor several invitations from the District Assembly of Ellembelle to d & # 39; important national events such as Farmers' Day celebrations and Independence, project commissioning, earth cutting. ceremonies among others just to upset the honorable DCE.

The petitioners also claim that "since its appointment in 2017, the WFD has been housed in a rented apartment in Takoradi (about 75 km from the district capital) to the detriment of the badembly which had neglected the official bungalow of former district chiefs of the region ". We find this allegation very absurd because we know for a fact that the petitioners themselves do not believe that even is true.

Let's now present the bare facts. In the last quarter of 2014, Mr. Kwasi Bonzoh, who had lived all his adult life in Accra, the national capital, as an entrepreneur, decided to settle in the capital of the Western Region Sekondi / Takoradi for two main reasons: to explore new business opportunities in the oil city and, most importantly, to get close to the good people of Ellembelle in order to increase his chances of winning the general elections of 2016 as a candidate for the position of MPP MP in the constituency of Ellembelle.

He then rented a 7-bedroom house that he owned in Agbogba, Accra, at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, under a long-term lease agreement. For a period of 5 years from February 1, 2015 to January 31, 2020. He then packed the luggage and moved to Takoradi where he rents 2 properties, an office in Windy Ridge adjacent to ROK FM and a residential housing in West Anaji, behind St. Peters International School, with the two leases beginning February 1, 2015, in accordance with the attached lease agreements. In fact, he shared offices and residences with his senior partner, Mr. Dominic Kwesi Eduah, currently Executive Director of the GNPC Foundation. During their stay in West Anaji, Mr. Bonzoh and Eduah were neighbors to Mr. Samuel Afrifa, then organizer of the NPP in the Takoradi constituency and currently the deputy youth organizer of the NPP of the Western Region. During his stay in Takoradi, Mr. Bonzoh also became a key member of the regional communications team of nuclear power plants, representing the opposition party of the time, in all major radio stations of the metropolis.

In January 2016, the Hon. Bonzoh made another strategic decision to rent another residential home in Esiama, in Ellembelle District, to enhance its visibility in the constituency in order to increase its chances of winning the seat in 2016.

Then, in October 2016, a few months before the general election, the Hon. Bonzoh was forced to leave his West Anaji residence to settle in a much smaller three-bedroom dwelling in Windy Ridge, as his roommate, Mr. Dominic Kwesi Eduah, had moved to Accra to play. a key role in the NPP's 2016 national campaign.

From now on, June / July 2017 is quickly named, confirmed and sworn in as 3rd DCE for Ellembelle despite vehement protests and opposition from the president and his group who call themselves "Freddie Blay Boys" in the district. When she took office in July 2017, the WFD was informed of the Ellembelle District Assembly project to spend more than 130,000 GHCs to renovate and refurbish its official bungalow to allow it to operate. to move in. It was at a time when the Assembly was facing a serious housing shortage for more than ten (10) senior executives and key officers, forcing most of them to live apart district and travel long distances each day to work. In the meantime, the Assembly did not have the 130,000 GHC required for the renovation and furnishing of the DCE's official residence.

Faced with this challenge, the Hon. Kwasi Bonzoh volunteered to continue living in his Esiama rented apartment where he has resided since January 2016, with no fee for the Assembly. In September 2017, management made the decision to spend a much smaller amount of 35,436.66 GHC to complete the basic renovation of the facility and badign it to 7 members of management representing the entire facility. of the badembly. This management meeting was discussed at the 2nd regular meeting of the 2nd session of the 8th General Assembly of Ellembelle District which was held on Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th October 2017 at the Kwame Nkrumah motel in Nkroful and approved by the General Assembly. Currently, the bungalow which they falsely but deliberately accuse the DCE of abandonment of the shelter is occupied by the seven (7) senior officials of the Assembly mentioned below who would have fought for basic accommodation without kindness of the DCE:


1 Emmanuel Offei – Central Administrator Addo. Budget Analyst

2 Wisdom Bakuyeya Social Development and Social Protection Officer C / D

3 Central Administration of Ebenezer Hadzide Asst. Planning Officer

4 Evans Ennin Central Administration Asst. Director

5 works of George A. Yeboah Snr. Technician Engineer

6 Nicholas Bart – Account Manager at Otoo Finance

Gabriel K. Arhinful Central Administration Asst. Internal Auditor

It should be noted that this singular decision taken by the DCE to continue to live in his residence of Esiama and to go daily to the office of Nkroful, located only 4 km one from the other , is a rather cautious decision for which he deserves to be commended instead of being condemned by the petitioners. for their own selfish and parochial interest. Contrary to the petitioners' false claim that "a huge amount of money was spent to renovate this official residence as soon as he returned to office", the WFD action instead avoided the Assembly spending about 100,000 GHC for the renovation and furnishing of his official residence. In addition, this decision solved a major problem faced by the Assembly's leadership which, until now, had been struggling to fulfill its official duties due to accommodation problems.

Indeed, their claim that "since its appointment in 2017, the DCE has been housed in a rented apartment in Takoradi (about 75 km from the district capital) to the detriment of the badembly" is not only a palpable lie, but also a well. – attempt orchestrated by some members of the executive to deliberately render the hon. Kwasi Bonzoh looks bad in the eyes of the president and the general public. These same people who vehemently opposed the appointment of DCE rained all kinds of insults and made very ridiculous accusations against him from the first day he took office as DCE Ellembelle. In fact, they pledged to end the WFD's political career with the tacit support of invincible but powerful hands in the party hierarchy.

The petitioners have also blatantly stated that "the WFD has awarded all contracts to NDC contractors to the detriment of party supporters and constituency officials and that the WFD will not give a single contract to leaders to allow us to finance Party activities despite all efforts "We find this allegation of these colleagues absurd constituency absurd, even bizarre.We wish to note that last year, our DCE once invited all constituency officials to his office Nkroful and informed us that the Assembly was about to launch a procurement process to award contracts for the construction of five clbadrooms to three units, blocks with ancillary facilities in 5 communities in the district. He then asked the constituency executive to recommend to a contractor that he Lifted to go through the process of awarding one (1) of the five (5) contracts on behalf of the officers. Unfortunately, the constituency president insisted at the meeting that he would not accept the DCE offer until the number of contracts would not have been increased. On June 11, 2018, this same issue was submitted to the Constituency Executive Committee meeting and the President congratulated our DCE for such a decision, adding that a contract was not enough and that he had to receive two as a person. The offer was therefore rejected by the chairman and the meeting ended in a stalemate.

Prior to the 2016 general election, party leaders had collectively decided, because of the limited resources available to them at the time, that the party would use the amount reserved for the payment of our party agents' allocation to the parties. voting day operations. It was not even enough to keep up with the budget, so our honorable DCE, the parliamentary candidate of the day, had to face additional expenses to keep up with the budget for operations. He also admitted that he was responsible for settling all election agent allowances after the elections, of which 85 per cent had been paid by the Honorable Kwasi Bonzoh.

We wish to state categorically, in accordance with the petitioner's propaganda, that they have no basis for attacking our honorable DCE. We place them as colleagues in the riding executive to end the misdeeds and to work with our hard-working DCE to bring peace, progress and prosperity to our district. We know where they are in Ellembelle's internal politics and advise them not to follow their personal agenda to defame and attack our hard-working DCE without any provocation.

We say so because the future parliamentary candidate with whom they will go around the constituency to present it to the delegates was not found, whereas the party needed men and women to defend its cause in this constituency during the eight years spent in opposition. Let him who wants to harvest without sowing be reminded that the solution is not to destroy the very ones who sowed the seed from which they want to reap the fruits.

Thank you for your attention.


Sampson Ndoli

(1st Vice-President) Contact: 0241633266 James Cobbinah

(2nd Vice-President) Contact: 0500384513 Francis Apeni

(Assistant Secretary) Contact: 0204446184 Jacob Kwofie

(Secretary of Finance) Contact: 0207299267 Osman Abdullah Abekah (Nasara Coordinator)

0546040708 Dauda Mohammed (Assistant Coordinator of Nasara)

Contact: 0557248944 *

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