Report reveals Ghana applies lowest import tariffs on vehicles in sub-Saharan Africa Ghana news


Reports reaching indicate that Ghana boasts of the lowest import tariffs in sub-Saharan Africa.

The imposition of low tariffs on vehicles in Ghana, combined with a favorable regulatory environment, will facilitate the activity of automakers in this market, said the international rating agency Fitch.

"Ghana also has a large population of driving age, with a score of 62.9 out of 100, which increases the country's reward potential in the long run and highlights the growth potential of car manufacturers in its market" Fitch said in his latest research on "Autos sales in sub-Saharan Africa: rewards are too low to justify risk."

A picture of a fleet of cars

Source: UGC

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He was followed by South Africa in second place and Botswana in third place. However, they are struggling to rank among the top 50 countries in the world, with Mauritius only able to rank 69th.

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