Report: Swae Lee's house raided by authorities and captured animal monkey


It looks like Mally Mall is not the only person in trouble with California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

According to a report The breath published Thursday (April 4th), Swae LeeFish and Wildlife agents visited the California home in California on Wednesday, April 3, and a spider monkey was seized during the process.

The cases of Swae and Mally seem to be part of an investigation into what officials believe to be Mally's exotic animal trafficking. The Blast reports that prior to visiting Swae's home, Fish and Wildlife agents had captured a Serval cat at Mally's, while they were actually looking for a hooded bull monkey in cotton. They are still looking for the monkey and we do not know they went to Swae's home to try to find the animal.

Contrary information was reported about the attack at Mally's home, but TMZ said the producer and a number of his badociates had been arrested by Los Angeles police. Mall himself ended up saying at the point of sale that he had never been arrested, but simply stopped at his home during the search.

As for Swae, he was neither arrested nor cited, but it is unclear when he was at home at the time. The rapper's Instagram narrative, which took place later that night, seems to place him in Detroit.

Swae shared photos and videos of his two company monkeys, Nya and Giligan, frequently on social networks. Talk to XXL in 2017 after buying a pair of pet pigs, the rapper revealed his love for animals and his intention to get a monkey.

"A group of gangs I got them because I'm about to have a collection of animals, I'm having a monkey, but I've always loved animals," said Swae . "And I'm calling a 12."

At the time of going to press, it was not clear whether it was Nya or Giligan – if one or the other – that had been seized.

XXL contacted representatives of Swae Lee and the California Fish and Wildlife Department for comments.

You can see Swae and one of his monkeys below.

See 22 police incursions related to hip-hop

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