Require rent cards in addition to landlord receipts – Rent control service advises tenants


The Ghana Rent Control Department advises tenants and housing applicants to require rent cards in addition to receipts, in accordance with the Rent Regulation Act.

The card, which is meant to keep other rental records and the amount tenants pay landlords, also serves as proof of tenancy following disputes.

Stakeholders and tenants have said that this provision of the regulation is not followed in many cases of acquisition and payment of rented accommodation.

Rent Control Ghana’s public relations manager, Emmanuel Harvey Kporsu, observes that many owners do not implement this part of the regulations.

He insisted that these regulations must be strictly observed, in order to avoid rent disputes.

“Seven days after signing the lease, landlords must issue rent cards to their tenants. They come in two forms, containing the contact details of the tenant and the owner as well as a contact in case of emergency.

The form also contains monthly data entry showing how much the tenant paid the landlord to avoid disputes. We also have the receipt. If a tenant pays the landlord a cedi, the law requires that they provide a receipt to the tenant, ”he said.

Meanwhile, the regulations also state that landlords do not have the right to increase the cost of rent based on improvements to the property.

Speaking on The law Program on JoyNewsMr. Kporsu further noted that landlords can only do this after an appraisal of the property by the Rent Control Unit.

“Because the government fixed the road, the landlord increases the rent: you can’t do that. Even if you pay your tax. What you need to do is go to rent control for a reassessment. You have the right to visit the office at any time if an improvement has been made.

He added that “Anyone who contravenes the provision of paragraph 4 shall be guilty of an offense and shall be liable, upon conviction by a magistrate competent in matters of rents, to a fine not exceeding 100 penalty units or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding 6 months or both “.

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