Research says UK air pollution problem hurts unborn babies


Exposure to air pollution is linked to the growth of babies during pregnancy, according to a new study.

Scientists at the University of Aberdeen reviewed a decade of research around the world to determine the extent to which mothers' exposure to air pollution, diet, alcohol and chemicals had an impact on the growth of the fetus.

Evidence suggests that exposure to nitrogen dioxide causes a reduction in the size of the heads, especially during the last three months of pregnancy.

Unborn children suffer the effects of pollution (PA Wire / PA Images)

Professor Steve Turner, who led the study, said, "Our review of the literature was unique in that we looked at unborn babies to see if mothers' exposure to these factors affected fetal development.

"Previous research has shown that being small – for gestational age – at birth is badociated with an increased risk of diseases such as coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes, and asthma.

"Our research has shown that the link between exposure and fetal growth is apparent well before birth, so any potential intervention must occur early in pregnancy."

That kind of thing does not help (Owen Richards)

"In addition, the results also suggest that public health measures are urgently needed to minimize the exposure of pregnant women to nitrogen dioxide."

Nitrogen dioxide is mainly generated by car traffic, but may be present in the home because of cigarette smoke, heaters, or butane and kerosene stoves.

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