Researchers discover two cancer-related errors in cancer


Poor nutrition can be as risky as drinking alcohol when it comes to cancer risk (Photo: Getty)

One study found that a "suboptimal diet" could account for 5.2% of all new cases of invasive cancer in the United States each year.

The researchers found two dietary errors particularly related to cancer: do not eat enough dairy products and not eat enough whole grains.

Consuming too much red meat, processed meat and sugary drinks have also proven to be possible causes of cancer.

The study, published in the journal JNCI Cancer Spectrum, revealed that food could have accounted for 80,000 new cases of invasive cancer among US adults in 2015.

Most of them already knew that poor food choices could expose us to a higher risk of certain cancers – sugars, processed foods and red meat are often cited as risky products – but the risks of not eat dairy products or whole grains are less well known.

Scientists have also identified the cancers most likely to occur in the event of poor nutrition.

Do you get enough dairy products? (Photo: Getty)

They found that 38.3% of all colorectal cancer cases in 2015 were badociated with a suboptimal diet and 25.9% of oral, pharyngeal and laryngeal cancers were also diet-related. .

The study also estimated that about 16% of diet-related cancer cases were related to obesity, rather than diet alone.

The researchers also found that some populations – middle-aged men and some racial and ethnic minorities – were far more likely to be affected by diet-related cancer.

"Diet is one of the few modifiable risk factors for cancer prevention," said Dr. Fang Fang Zhang, author of the study.

"These findings underscore the need to reduce the burden of cancer and disparities in the United States by improving the consumption of food groups and essential nutrients for Americans."

More: Health

The study has implications for people who follow the keto diet – which is very low in carbohydrates – and people who follow a paleo diet – which completely excludes dairy products.

The results suggest that the best way to reduce your risk of cancer is to follow a balanced and balanced diet – without excluding any complete food group. What makes sense.

The researchers hope the results will encourage people to think about their diet and recognize that a poor diet is a major cancer risk factor, much like alcohol or smoking.

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