Researchers say more political work is needed to reduce smokeless tobacco use


Researchers at York University have shown that smokeless tobacco regulations still do not exist, despite the fact that 181 countries have agreed on a common approach to controlling demand and supply .

The study, published in Lancet Oncology, pointed out that of the 181 countries using the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, only 138 have defined smokeless tobacco in their statutes and 34 countries have so far declared that they levy a tax on tobacco products. without combustion.

Only six countries control and regulate the content of smokeless tobacco products, while only 41 impose pictorial health warnings on these products.

Professor Kamran Siddiqi, from York University's Department of Health Sciences, said: "Smokeless tobacco is particularly popular in Asia and Africa and includes chewing tobacco as well as various types of tobacco. to chew.

"They contain high levels of nicotine as well as toxic chemicals that produce cancer, which makes head and neck cancers common among consumers of smokeless tobacco products.

"Women are particularly at risk, as smoking is less socially acceptable among women in parts of Asia and Africa, and smokeless tobacco is a popular alternative.

"We have noted a lack of implementation in smoke-free tobacco control, highlighting the need to intensify global efforts to reduce the use of products to catch up with progress in reducing consumption." of cigarettes. "

Researchers, funded by the National Institute for Health Research (IRDH), are currently working on the creation of a new global health group to fight smokeless smoking in South Asia. The team will bring together researchers from around the world to critically badess policies and develop interventions to address the problems posed by smokeless tobacco, particularly in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Professor Ravi Mehrotra, Director of the National Institute for Cancer Prevention and Research (ICMR-NICPR) of the Indian Council of Medical Research, said: "Smoke-free smoking is a public health problem in Asia. Southeast and beyond and requires a comprehensive approach to face the challenges identified in this study.

"The WHO FCTC's Global Knowledge Center on Smoke-Free Tobacco at ICMR-NICPR is committed to helping implement key recommendations to reduce the significant burden." for health."


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