Respecting Quality Standards to Stay Competitive – GSA Urges Farmers and Exporters


Company News of Tuesday, July 9, 2019



Farmers Q1 Photo file

The Ghana Standards Authority (GSA) has encouraged farmers and exporters of agricultural products to comply with quality standards and approved to remain competitive in the international market.

Compliance with internationally recognized standards should also help to avoid import restrictions and export bans on agricultural products from Ghana.

At a sensitization meeting held Thursday in Accra, Professor Alex Dodoo, chief executive of the Ghana Standards Authority, said it was important that agricultural exporters consult the GSA and the US government. other regulatory bodies for advice on the quality of exports to ensure the acceptability of their products in the international market.

"The specifications must be respected, because if you do not respect them, the products will be thrown away," he said.

As a result, he stated that the GSA worked day and night "to ensure we were competitive and made more money so we could care for our children and our communities."


The workshop, organized by GSA in collaboration with the German National Metrology Institute (PTB), focused on:

"Leverage quality infrastructure as a tool to promote Ghanaian export".
It was organized to highlight the relevant permits and certificates that were required of exporters to meet the quality requirements of the international market.

Taking advantage of the fact that food safety and quality requirements can not be neglected, Professor Dodoo stated that Ghanaian producers had to meet internationally recognized standards in order to penetrate foreign markets.

"GSA and other regulators are ready to serve exporters," he said.

Quality badurance

For her part, Ms Carola Heider, project coordinator of the PTB project, a German Development Cooperation Implementation Agency (GIZ), said the workshop was part of a larger project aimed at increasing and to verify the quality of agricultural products and food produced in the country. country for the export market.

The collaboration between the PTB and GSA, she said, aimed to strengthen the range and use of services for quality badurance of agricultural products.

She added that the project involved an awareness in order to examine the quality infrastructure services needed to increase the quality of products and to control them competently along the agricultural value chain.

Ms. Heider said that beyond the challenges related to the quality of pesticides on the market, most of the testing and calibration services of agricultural products and foodstuffs in the country were operational. at a good level.

As a result, she added, to boost exports, exporters must be familiar with the specific product requirements of the target markets to help them meet these requirements.

"The products must meet these requirements and this must be verified by internationally recognized test methods here in Ghana," she noted.

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