Result of the first dialogue of disappointing vigilance – Asiedu Nketia


General News of Wednesday, April 10, 2019



Asiedu Nketia O9903 Asiedu Nketia is Secretary General of the National Democratic Congress

National Democratic Congress (NDC) National Secretary Asiedu Nketia expressed disappointment at the results of the first day of dialogue on vigilance organized under the mediation of the National Peace Council.

Says Tuesday in Eyewitness News, he said his expectations were not met because the NPP and NDC could not agree on the scope of the discussion.

"Generally, my impression is that I was disappointed with the outcome of the meeting. At the meeting, I was waiting for the meeting to discuss the scope of the discussion, which kind of vigilance we are talking about and what can we discuss in the national dialogue. "

"My second expectation was that we could talk about the level of participation – who are these qualified people and what criteria would this person participate in – it was our understanding of the purpose of this meeting. But unfortunately, when we went there, we could neither fully agree nor on the level of participation of other stakeholders, "he said.

Tuesday's meeting resulted in the two main political parties, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party (NPP), stressing the need to end the activities of political vigilante groups in the country.

The NPP and the NDC also agreed, among other things, to end the ownership, hiring and use of advocacy groups and militias by political members.

The chair of the meeting, Professor Emmanuel Asante, told the media: "After open and exhaustive deliberation, the parties agreed that vigilance is hostile to the Ghanaian system and must be eradicated."

"Significantly, both parties agreed to initiate deliberations to: 1. Dissolve self-defense groups operating within political parties or for political purposes. 2. prohibit the ownership, hiring or use of such groups by political parties or their members; 3. Cooperate with government agencies and stakeholders in the total elimination of these groups or cases of vigilance in the country. "

The National Peace Council invited both parties to the meeting that followed the president's call for them to meet and solve the problem of vigilance of political parties in the country.

The meeting took place at the Central Hotel, near the British High Commission in Accra.

The purpose of the meeting was to provide both factions with the opportunity to present a number of proposals and modalities to dissolve the vigilante groups.

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