Rev Oduro Gyebi, which god commanded Akufo Addo to build a national cathedral?


I read a post in yesterday’s edition of ModernGhana’s online news about a self-styled pastor, the general overseer of the Crown of God Chapel, Reverend Reindolph Oduro Gyebi, who claims that whoever is student against the controversial national cathedral project will die miserably or be shamed by God.

I want to ask this pastor if Nana Akufo Addo told him that God asked him to build a cathedral or if he was with the president when God spoke to Akufo Addo to build the cathedral?

If Akufo Addo listens to God or hears the voice of God, Ghana would not be in such a mess. Those who are close to God rule with wisdom.

I don’t know how Ghanaian pastors suddenly become prophets, whether self-proclaimed or by anointing because these so called mushroom pastors are innumerable in Ghana.

I don’t think you are a prophet, Reindolph Oduro Gyebi, if you have the power, or a vision to see anyone who criticizes the national cathedral project will die, why don’t you use that power to help the president save the thousands of hungry unemployed Ghanaians?

When I came to Ghana to bury my mother, wherever I have been, there are countless signs pointing many directions to places of worship of the Prophet this and the Prophet that.

I wondered why every pastor in Ghana is a prophet and why it is always in Africa that we see such things?

I think I should have called myself a prophet too. Go to the Archives on Modern Ghana and search for articles on Nana Akufo Addo by Joel Savage and you will see that everything I wrote about the president and said who will come has happened.

Religion has defined our religious values ​​in many ways, but many Ghanaians worship God in the wrong way. From Monday to Sunday you will have religious activities in many places in Ghana. What’s wrong with the country?

Weekdays are for work, not for church service. If you are unemployed, go look for work, do not think that going to church Monday through Sunday can provide you with a job.

One Sunday morning I went to the service in a cathedral in the village on the outskirts of Rome called SACROFANO. Being religious, the magnificent cathedral attracted me to worship there this Sunday.

When I walked into the place, the only person the pastor was preaching to was a woman. I joined her and the congregation grew to two in one of the largest cathedrals I have ever seen. It’s reality,

The Pope preaches every Sunday through the window of Vatican City, the rest of the days are for work. You will see how hard the Italians work if you ever visit Italy. So telling me that I will die or that God will punish me for criticizing a cathedral is like a talking child.

There are no jobs in Ghana, all the hospitals lacked modern equipment, this is one of the reasons Ken Ofori-Atta sought medical treatment in a foreign country and schools need better facilities.

As a prophet, you haven’t seen any of this to speak but only to speak badly against those who criticize a foolish cathedral?

What roles have Christianity and Islam played in the lives of the majority of the population, if Ghana is one of the most corrupt countries in Africa? I am very sorry for these pastors posing as prophets in Ghana.

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