Rian Johnson does not think of the potential of the last Jedi Retcons – / Movie


the last jedi retcons

Rian Johnson seems to be a pretty cold guy. Not only does he have to endure the trolls shouting at him on Twitter Star Wars: The Last Jedi, it does not bother him either if Episode IX helmet J.J. Abrams go ahead and go back to the twists revealed in the previous movie. While he was at CinemaCon to show pictures of his new mystery Knives releasedJohnson was asked what he thought about the potential changes the new Abrams film could bring. According to Johnson, he is happy to participate in the hike.

.@rianjohnson is just as excited for J.J. Abram #Wars of the stars Episode IX that we are, and he tells us to #CinemaCon He hopes that filmmakers will continue to take the universe to new heights: "I want him to do things that I did not expect from him" pic.twitter.com/D7Jh5SqgeT

– MTV NEWS (@MTVNEWS) April 5, 2019

The last Jedi has developed something of a sour reputation with a very vocal minority on Twitter and YouTube. Some people do not like director Rian Johnson to take the Star wars franchise in new directions with his movie, and they refuse keep quiet about it. That's good, it's their right. Just as it is my right to declare that I think The last Jedi is the better of Star wars movies. I love everything that Johnson has done in the movie, and I personally will be a little upset if director J.J. Abrams decides to go back on some of Johnson's choices.

But Johnson is fine with that. In the clip above, the filmmaker is asked about possible changes in history, especially with regard to the Rey lineage. If you have forgotten, in the force awakensDaisy Ridley's Rey says she has been waiting for years for her family to return. All this is very mysterious and there is a good chance that his parents are important people in society. Star wars mythology. But in The last JediKylo Ren informs Rey that her parents were in fact nothing.

"They were salesmen of dirty junk," says Kylo. "I sold you for drinking money. They died in the tomb of a poor man in the Jakku desert. You come from nothing. You are nothing. love this twist. I like the idea that Rey is not a mythical elect fulfilling her family destiny, but rather that she is a kind of self proclaimed hero. For me, it's more exciting than seeing his power inherited from his parents. But it's me.

Since this line appeared in The last Jedi, fans have theorized that it could not to be true. Kylo Ren is, after all, a bad guy – so he could lie to Rey to make him lose his head. Abrams could certainly add that as a turnaround if he wishes, and reveal that Rey's parents are actually Skywalkers or something of the sort. And if he does, Rian Johnson will not take care of it. "I want to give up all my expectations," says Johnson in the video above. "I want to sit down. I want to be entertained. I want to be surprised. I want to be happy. I want him to do things I did not expect from him. And just for the ride. for me, that's why I go to the movies. "

As I said, he's a rather cold guy.

In the same interview, Johnson was asked if he was still working on his new Star wars trilogy, outside the saga Skywalker. Johnson responded in the affirmative, adding that at the present time everyone was trying to understand how "everything was going to unfold" and that he "could not wait to get back into the bright. "

Star Wars: Episode IX opens December 20, 2019.

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