Riot of Somanya Dumsor: the court orders the detention of six people


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Six people were placed in pretrial detention following a riot in Somanya, in the eastern region.

The suspects were arrested by the police during a protest against an erratic power supply.

They would be part of the group of young Nuaso who traveled from their city to Somanya to attack the offices of the energy distribution service (PDS) serving the cities of the region.

The police, however, intercepted them when they stopped at the Somanya roundabout to burn tires and blocked roads.

The demonstrators reportedly attacked the police on demand, forcing police to shoot in self-defense.

bloody demo demo
[Man being carried] One of the protesters was hit by police bullets

Two people were shot and received treatment at the hospital.

What happened in court?

The six suspects pleaded not guilty of riot and damage charges.

Magistrate Frank Gbegby remanded them on April 12, 2019.

Kofi Siaw, of Joy News, said the prosecutor, DSP Akwasi, had asked the court to extend the pretrial period to two weeks, but the court refused.

What caused the power outages?

Residents of Krobo Odumase, Nuaso, Somanya and their environs told Joy News that they suspected the PDS was punishing them for not paying their fees.

They argue, however, that their lands were acquired by the state for the installation of the Volta River Authority (VRA), which provides electricity to a part of the country, so that it can be used by the state. they should be able to benefit from an exemption.

Authorities, however, say that this is not the case and that their lights are out due to a problem that the whole country is facing.

Delay in the delivery of fuel, other; cause of "dumsor" – Ministry of Energy

We consult on the calendar "Dumsor" – PRO Energy Ministry

The Atuabo gas plant is shut down and the delivery of fuel to some power plants has also fallen behind, told PRO FM, Nana Damoah, representative of the Ministry of Energy.

The ministry announced that the blackouts would end on April 12.

No time

Many requests have also been sent to the Ministry and the PDS to publish a breakdown schedule so that consumers know when to turn off their lights, but this has not been done yet.

The PDS issued a schedule on Friday, but was called back the same evening.

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