Ritual of the Night – Announcing free content for downloadable content


505 Games announced today the first free content of downloadable content for "Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night", which will be released after the game's launch.

For example, they announced today the IGA DLC Back Pack at $ 9.99, which will be released June 18. This will give you the opportunity to fight against the creator of the game, Koji Igarashi himself, and win the mighty weapon at the bad-sword, provided you defeat him.

"It's not enough to make money to be as transparent as possible" we explain more. "Of course that's part of it, but the most important thing we thought about was ensuring everyone had a safe and legitimate way to get a complete gaming experience no matter when they heard of Bloodnained, whether it 's been here a few years, and that we respect the backbackers originally paid (hence the DLC price).

Therefore, to find a balance here, there will be free content, including:

  • Two additional playable characters
  • Local and online multiplayer for specific modes Koop and Vs
  • Roguelike fashion
  • chaos mode
  • Clbadic fashion
  • Boss in revenge mode
  • Tempo operating mode
  • Miriam holding
  • Boss rush mode

Bloodstained: The ritual of the night appears for the first time on June 27, 2019.

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