Role on the role of the army in demonstrations against the yellow vest


Opposition politicians, left and right, have criticized the government's decision to deploy soldiers to guard buildings during protests in the yellow jacket.

The government stressed that the role of soldiers is to patrol and monitor key buildings, but "not to participate in any circumstances in the maintenance of public order.

"The goal is that the soldiers are not in direct confrontation with the protesters, they must be badigned to the protection of buildings. This will free the police currently in front of these buildings, "Health Minister Agnès Buzyn told RRC radio on Thursday.

While police unions have widely praised the decision to deploy soldiers to protect some locals, Philippe Capon of the Unsa-Police union has issued a warning: "What worries me," he said, " is the reaction to any attack. "

Soldiers have been used to guard key buildings in France in recent years in response to the wave of terrorist attacks, but several opposition politicians have expressed concern over their deployment next Saturday.

Marine Le Pen, national leader of the far right rally, told a television audience Wednesday that the role of the army was to defend against terrorists, not against the people. Jean-Luc Melenchon from the far left France Insoumise agreed with her.

However, the former Minister of the Environment, Ségolène Royale, interviewed RTL Radio to explain why the government had taken so long to decide on the presence of soldiers. She added that the "Black Blocks" anarchists, violent agitators infiltrated in the demonstrations, were "not terrorists, but sowing terror." And it's the same thing. "

New strategy

Interior Minister Christophe Castaner was strongly criticized for the riots on the Champs-Elysees last Saturday. Merchants, employees and residents complained that the police were not active enough. Since then, Castaner has dismissed the Paris police chief and is currently leading a comprehensive strategy change.

At a ceremony held Thursday for the appointment of the new police chief, Castaner said that Saturday on the Champs-Elysees, "there were no protesters, there were people filled with hate … people who had come to destroy, destroy, attack ".

And as he clarified that the police would receive new instructions, he was fully aware that a more active response to the violence could result in injuries. He said: "We have defined a new strategy of mobility, contact, responsiveness, arrest and we are fully aware of the risks involved," he said.

The use of the LBD rubber bullets launcher during some Yellow Vest events has been a source of considerable controversy because of the serious injuries that it can cause. As a result of debates in Parliament, the use of rubber bullets remains legal as they are considered a necessary weapon in riot situations.

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