Roof trusses were the "weakest link" to the fatal collapse of Radiohead's Toronto floor, according to a survey


TORONTO – The metal structures supposed to hold the roof of a stage at a Radiohead concert in Toronto were the first pieces to fail, while the whole scene collapsed there Nearly seven years ago, killing the battery technician of the group and injuring several others, announced a coroner's inquest on Monday.

A Ministry of Labor engineer who helped investigate the collapse was among those who testified in the Scott Johnson death investigation.

Saeed Khoorsand said the loading trusses supporting the weight of the roof grating – which itself contained tens of thousands of kilograms of lighting and other equipment – constituted "the weakest link in the scene that caused the collapse of the entire roof system.

Khoorsand also pointed out some discrepancies between the plans and materials used for the construction of the outdoor scene, noting that the farms on the site were not as thick as they should have been according to the drawings, while some beams were bigger.

The plans were reviewed and verified by an engineer, Domenic Cugliari, just over a week before the incident, he said.

Johnson, who was Radiohead's battery technician, was crushed by the collapsed roof and died just hours before the group was about to perform at Downsview Park on June 16, 2012.

The charges in the case, against Cugliari and others, were suspended because the case took too long to be tried.

The investigation, which is expected to hear about 25 witnesses, will focus on the circumstances of Johnson's death, but will not question the allegations. A jury may make recommendations to prevent similar incidents.

"What happened to Scott was tragic, but if we can not learn from it … his death has no advantage," said Prabhu Rajan, one of the lawyers badisting the coroner, outside of investigation.

Rajan said he expects the evidence to reveal some shortcomings in the current system. For example, he said, the concert was to be held on federal land, which meant that it was not necessary to apply for a building permit – a form of third-party control .

"I think that should worry everyone, a break," he said.

The investigation also heard Monday a man hired to tune the pianos of Radiohead, who said he heard the scene crackle in the wind shortly before the structure broke.

Wayne Ferguson said he noticed it after a light breeze hit the stage curtain around 3:30 pm or 3:45 pm and tried to see what was going on above them.

The scene collapsed at Downsview Park in Toronto, where a man was killed hours before a Radiohead concert on June 16, 2012.

Matthew Sherwood for the National Post / File

Ferguson testified that he had been asked to leave the scene around 3:50 pm. so the others could do a soundcheck, but Johnson – who was stationed near him – stayed behind.

Ferguson and his daughter were sitting on a picnic bench facing the scene shortly after when there was a loud noise, he said.

"We heard a huge crack and in about two seconds' space, the whole roof collapsed," Ferguson said in the investigation. He recounted seeing beams pierce the back gate of the scene and immediately call 911.

An ambulance attendant who was one of the first on the scene said he found Johnson stuck under the scene without any vital signs.

"We could not do anything for him, especially because we could not get him out," said Stephan Krasl.

Johnson's father and Radiohead drummer described the shock and sorrow they felt when they heard the sad news, as well as the lingering trauma that day.

Johnson's family and the British group were very critical of the court process, but they hoped the investigation would provide some of the answers they had not had in court.

"It worries me a lot that the case was not successful," said Ken Johnson. "It's painful, but I'm pretty happy that the events here solve all that."

The group's drummer, Philip Selway, testified that the incident was "personally traumatic" for them and their team, and made them feel that they were "vulnerable" on the scene.

Outside, Selway said that he felt it was important to attend the proceedings.

"Once all the charges were suspended, we had a real sense of unfairness and nothing constructive, from our point of view, came out of this lawsuit," he said. . "So we feel a responsibility to Scott, we have a responsibility to Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, as well as our team and our audience, to continue to pursue this action."

Thirteen charges were laid under provincial health and safety legislation against the proponent of the series, Live Nation, the subcontractor Optex Staging, and the engineer Cugliari.

But the case skidded when the president of the court declared that he had lost jurisdiction after being appointed to a higher court. Another judge declared a trial in error and a new hearing was scheduled.

Defense counsel argued that the charges should be stayed because the delays constituted a violation of their clients' right to a timely trial, which was to end in mid-2018, five years after the charges were laid. The new judge acquiesced, noting the so-called Supreme Court decision in the Jordan case, which set 18 months as the maximum time limit for proceedings in a provincial court.

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