Rosatom will build 2028 4 new latest generation III + power units in China by 2028


A general contract for the construction of Russian-designed Nuclear Power Plants No. 3 and No. 4 with the VVER-1200 reactors of the Xudapu Nuclear Power Plant was signed on June 5 in Moscow, in the presence of the leaders of Russia and Russia. China.

The official signing ceremony was held during the state visit of China's President Xi Jinping to Russia.

The documents were signed by representatives of the Rosetto State Corporation ASE Engineering Division and CNNC (China National Nuclear Corporation) contractors.

Alexey Likhachev, Managing Director of Rosatom, said: "We have today transferred a Russian-design nuclear power plant project to the new site. Taking into account the previously signed contract for the Tianwan nuclear power plant, in collaboration with our Chinese partners, we must build four last generation III + plants until 2028 ".

The general contract for the construction of Russian-designed plants No. 7 and 8, based on the Tianwan Power Plant's VVER-1200 reactor technology, was signed earlier in March 2019.

Commissioning of Units No. 3 and No. 4 at the Xudapu Nuclear Power Plant is planned for 2027 and 2028, respectively. With regard to the Tianwan nuclear power plant, commissioning of Unit No. 7 is planned for 2026, while Unit No. 8 is scheduled for 2027.

The wording of the contracts has been aligned with the package of strategic agreements defining the key areas for the development of cooperation between Russia and China in the nuclear energy sector for the coming decades. The package of strategic agreements was signed on June 8, 2018, during the state visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to China.

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