Ross Taylor: Middlesex signs the New Zealand drummer for the one-day cup


Ross Taylor scored 8,026 international one – day races in New Zealand, including 20 centuries.

New Zealand drummer Ross Taylor will join Middlebad for his Cup campaign a day later this month.

The 35-year-old is available for six group matches, starting April 25 in Surrey, as well as for the play-offs and semi-finals if they qualify.

Middlebad is the fourth county for which Taylor will play after episodes in Durham, Susbad and Nottinghamshire.

"He is an exceptional cricketer and a crisp man," said Cricket General Manager Angus Fraser.

"The calendars before the World Cup in England and Ireland imply that Middlebad will be deprived of Eoin Morgan and Paul Stirling for more than half of the Cup of a year. day.

"Eoin and Paul are exceptional day cricketers and we were eager to strengthen our resources because of their absence during the second half of the tournament.

"Having the opportunity to fill those gaps with a player in Ross's undisputed clbad is a real treat for the club."

Taylor will miss the two opening matches of Middlebad against Esbad on April 19 and Gloucestershire on April 21.

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