Roundup: BRICS and Africa must build new media footprint: media leaders – Xinhua


CAPE TOWN, July 19 (Xinhua) – African media leaders said here that there is a need for more collaboration between Africa and the BRICS in the media sector. Bridges Media and the BRICS story [BR09] BRICS Media Forum, which concluded on Thursday in Cape Town, South Africa. 19659002] Among the significant issues that emerged in the course of the debate and the debate on the subject of sustainable development. A counterpoint to Western media outlets which have long dominated the African media landscape.

Carol Annang of New Media Times Ghana, said that the issue of how t This article is from the author's view of African media institutions.

is not dictated by Google, or other entities which have been dominant, "Annang stated."

"She explained that this platform could be a proper and structurally sound collaboration with institutions of growing prominence in the BRICS.

" Africa has a significant population which is a force to be reckoned with, but first we have got to start by collaboration, talking to each other, relating to each other, and to having a relationship with BRICS , "she stated.

Aly Ramji of the Exchange, Tanzania, also addressed the question of the collateral damage that results from an improper, deliberately distorted or unauthentic reporting of certain stories, whe

Ramji later explained that it could be a significant counterpoint in ensuring a holistic recounting of the African story. This article is only available in English.

"The challenge is to realize that there are gaps in the media landscape," Ramji

Ramji said that BRICS entities can help Africa to build capacity, disseminated news from an African perspective, and Ramji stated

Andrew Kangwa of the Kenya Standard stated that "we have Kangwa added

The two-day forum was co-hosted by South Africa's Independent Media and China's Xinhua News Agency and themed as "BRICS Media Cooperation – Fostering an Inclusive, Just World Order".

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