Royal baby SHOCK: Has Meghan Markle already had the baby? | Royal | New


Meghan Markle, Duchess of Susbad, revealed that her baby was due to give birth towards the end of April, at the request of a member of the public last year. Now, after much speculation about the possibility of seeing Meghan and Prince Harry on the steps of the Lindo Wing, it seems the couple has finally clarified their plans for their birth plan. On Thursday, Buckingham Palace issued a statement about the couple's intentions – but the ambiguous note leaves everyone wondering if the Susbad baby is already there.

"The Duke and Duchess of Susbad are very grateful for the goodwill they have received from citizens of the UK and around the world as they prepare to welcome their baby.

"Their Royal Highnesses made the personal decision not to divulge their plans for the arrival of their baby.

"The Duke and Duchess are eager to share this exciting news with everyone once they have had the opportunity to privately celebrate their new family."

Some believe that the last sentence proves that the baby has already arrived and we will know when they will be ready to share the news with the world.

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Meghan was last seen in public on March 19, while she was traveling to New Zealand House with Prince Harry to pay tribute to the victims of the terrorist attack in Christchurch.

According to reports, Meghan started her maternity leave on March 20th.

As this Buckingham Palace announcement comes close to a month after Meghan's latest pledge, royal fans badume that means the baby will soon arrive – if not already.

There were some other clues: makeup artist Daniel Martin, who would be the child's godfather, traveled to London earlier this month to be with Meghan, his former client and close friend.

The couple has also created their own Instagram profile, which experts say will allow them to share the first images of their new jewel.

And as it has been widely reported that Meghan will not give birth in the Lindo wing, unlike her sister-in-law, Kate Middleton, it is likely that the birth of the child could have remained secret.

However, if we use Kate's pregnancies as a guide, the royal family gives birth one month after her maternity leave.

In the case of Prince Louis, Kate took maternity leave on March 22 and gave birth on April 23.

READ MORE: Meghan Markle unveiled her birthing plan – How yoga and chants will help the royal birth

So, that means that it's possible that Meghan does not give birth until around April 20, which is consistent with the initial prediction Royal baby is expected for "end of April".

Anyway, it seems that we will have to wait for the couple to decide that he is ready to share his good news with the world.

Meghan and Harry have taken steps to increase their privacy over the last few months, after a wave of media attention that has caused Harry to worry about Meghan 's safety when he' s in trouble. they started going out together.

The couple left Kensington Palace, home of Kate and Prince William, to live in their own home in Windsor.

Nestled in the main grounds of Frogmore Estate, Meghan and Harry will raise their young family in peace.

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