Royal baby: What's a doula? Meghan Markle can choose a birth plan


It will not be long before Meghan Markle welcomes the baby royal and his project is a little less traditional than the usual royal birth.

Last October, Kensington Palace announced that Meghan was pregnant and was waiting for spring 2019. Since then, Meghan has announced that the baby royal should give birth from late April to early May, so very soon.

In recent months, rumors have circulated about what Prince Harry and she will call their child, when exactly they will arrive, whether it's a boy or a kid. girl and how she chooses to give birth.

One of the rumors is that Meghan would have hired a doula, but what does that mean?

A doula is a person who provides ongoing support to a family throughout the pregnancy, from birth to the first days after the birth of the baby. People often call them "birth coaches" or "birth champions".

The word "doula" comes from the Greek "slave", but more generally means an experienced woman who badisted the mother to badfeed her baby.

There is even a week for doulas launched in 2011 by entrepreneur Ruti Karni Horowitz. The idea was to empower the doulas around the world – the week runs from March 22nd to March 28th.

What's a doula?

Doula UK, a nonprofit organization, explains that doulas are birthing coaches that provide both practical and emotional support to women, at home and in hospitals.

The website says that they are there "fulfilling a role that new mothers and new families have always needed, we are here to listen, to give confidence and not to judge".

These are usually experienced women who have received training in childbirth techniques and have taken an approved course, but they are not health professionals.

Mother nursing baby
The doula often helps the mother become a parent

There are also two types of doula, birth and postnatal.

Birth doulas support women and families planning a birth. They meet the mother in advance and are available to answer their questions.

Towards the end of the pregnancy, they are "called" for any urgent question. The doula usually attends birth and supports the mother.

Then, during childbirth, they "offer help and suggestions on comfort measures such as breathing, relaxation, movement and position".

Then, the doula can stay with the family until it is installed.

A postnatal doula works with a family after birth normally during the first six to eight weeks.

They continue to provide support, but they give a helping hand, they can prepare the meals, take care of the baby when the mother is sleeping or help with the siblings.

"Instead, a postnatal doula encourages you to be the parent you want to be," says the site.

Prince Harry and Meghan do not have long to wait now

How much does a doula cost?

Doulas recorded at Doula UK are self-employed and are paid directly. The amount can vary between £ 600 and £ 2000.

It depends on the location, the level of experience and the frequency with which you need it.

A postnatal doula may require between £ 15 and £ 30 per hour.

What other celebrities have used a doula?

As well as Meghan Markle who would have had a doula, other celebrities have enrolled in the service.

Frozen's Idina Menzel, Alanis Morisette, Kelly Rowland and Doutzen Krose talked about the use of a doula.

Nicole Kidman also stated to have hired one while she was pregnant with Sunday Rose that she had with Keith Urban.

Mila Kunis talked about her doula for 2014 as well.

She said: "We watched a few documentaries and we looked at the midwife's aspect.We talked to my OB / GYN and we realized that the hospital in which I will work is endowed with a midwife, you know, kind of doula thing, and so i will do it as natural as possible except if there is an urgency or something that [could gp] false."

Duchess of Susbad Meghan Markle is expecting her first child within a few weeks

Will Meghan have a doula?

ITV's documentary Secrets of the Royal Babies discusses this possibility and Meghan has been asked to choose the "holistic way" with yoga breathing techniques.

There was some confusion as to whether she had used a doula or not, partly because of a joke article on Doula UK by Lauren Mishcon who said, "I'm busy in the spring. to say it."

The situation degenerated from there, apparently, and when the media asked Lauren if it was true and she declined to comment.

Of course, Meghan could use her or another doula, but her plans have not been confirmed yet.

Doula UK said that he could not confirm the news either for reasons of confidentiality.

According to rumors, Meghan would like a natural birth with New! magazine reporting that she does not want any pain relief.

The report states: "She practices a series of yoga workout techniques that focus primarily on breathing patterns and sing in rhythm to overcome the pain."

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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Royal Baby

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