Royal News: How Did Queen Elizabeth II "Humiliate the American President at a State Banquet" | Royal | New


The US President and First Lady began their three-day state visit to the UK with a reception at Buckingham Palace this morning. The couple was honored with a salute of 82 guns and welcomed by the Queen, Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall. After a private lunch with Her Majesty, the Trumps are back at Buckingham Palace for a sumptuous state dinner with 170 guests, including the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

During the banquet, the President of the United States and the Queen should make a speech.

After last year's visit, which saw Trump push the boundaries of the royal protocol on more than one occasion, there are many possibilities for slippage.

For example, people wonder when he will remember to address the Queen correctly when he will deliver his speech and not to speak about the national anthem, which his predecessor has embarrbadingly.

According to a report recently resurfaced, former US President Barack Obama had a difficult time during a banquet at Buckingham Palace in 2011.

The President of the United States had just begun to offer a toast to the Queen when the orchestra accidentally started creating God Save The Queen.

Sitting between the Queen and the Duchess of Cornwall, Mr. Obama stood up and addressed the guests as follows: "Ladies and gentlemen, stay with me and lift your glbades while I toast.

"To Her Majesty the Queen."

Falsely believing it was their focus, the Scottish Guard Orchestra began playing the national anthem, but Mr. Obama continued: this kingdom, this England "."

He then raised his glbad and concluded "to the queen", but he seemed confused because she did not answer.

At the time, many observers accused Her Majesty of humiliating Mr. Obama, but the royal commentators suggested that it was only because the Queen was not allowed to lift her glbad while the anthem was playing.

As soon as it was over, she actually accepted the toast and thanked him for his "very kind words".

The next day, President Obama joked that the musical mistake made in his speech to the monarch was "like a soundtrack" in his speech.

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