Rwanda marks 25 years after genocide with renewed optimism


KIGALI, April 04
(Xinhua / GNA) – As Rwanda marks the 25th anniversary of the 1994 genocide this year,
Rwandans who helped the innocent during the 100-day bloodshed are
optimistic about the future development of the Central African country.

The annual commemoration
genocide against Tutsis will be held from April 7 to July 4, which is
line with the genocide period.

In advance of the year
commemoration named "Kwibuka", meaning "to remember" in
English, Rwandans came forward and shared their rescue actions
during the genocide with Xinhua, while expressing their optimism towards the nation
future development.

"The future of Rwanda
looks brilliant on the various fronts. The reason for this positive outlook is
that the country has good leadership that works to maintain momentum (from
Celestine Hakizimana, a 56-year-old bishop, told Xinhua.

After the genocide,
trauma was written on people's faces but they gradually restored hope and a
can perceive what the future holds, said the bishop, to whom were awarded the Protectors of
Pact of Friendship, known locally as Abarinzi b & Igihango, by the country for its
exceptional acts of courage and humanity manifested during the genocide.

Hakizimana lived in
Saint Paul in Kigali, capital of Rwanda, as a Catholic priest during the
genocide, where many Tutsi sought refuge from the mbadacre. He together
with other priests and church guards thwarted militia attempts to kill Tutsis
people in the church and protected about 2,000 people in the church of the
beginning of the genocide until mid-June 1994, when they were saved by the
Rwandan Patriotic Army (APR), armed wing of present-day Rwanda in power
Patriotic Front (RPF).

Now the unity and
has reached appreciable levels, he said, adding that the main reason
is the position of the government in the union of all Rwandans through the national unity
and the Reconciliation Commission and all citizens are treated on an equal footing as Rwandans.

The church also has
according to him, played a major role in the reconciliation and union of men.

"The future of Rwanda
development will undoubtedly continue to improve to be much better than
now, "said Gerald Mbanda, who served in the Rwandan Patriotic Army during
genocide and also worked as a journalist for RPF radio Muhabura.

He cited effective and
transformational leadership, hard-working people, and local solutions like
reasons for the prospective.

During the genocide,
The Rwandan media were used to incite people to commit genocide, while Muhabura
played a role in preventing people from being killed, said Mbanda. After the
genocidal government and militias began killing innocent people, Muhabura
could somehow get information on lists of people who were targeted
and informed them to find safe places to move.

Some people have heard
radio messages and left their homes to hide in safe places.

After the 1994 genocide,
efforts were made to build Rwandan unity and to avoid any form of
discrimination on different issues, he said.

"What is Rwanda
proud of today is good leadership that ended the genocide and put in place
means to heal and reconcile the Rwandan community, "he said.

"Rwandans must
to remain united through reconciliation efforts by the government … Rwanda
stay on the right path, "said Martin Mutsindashyaka, who saved 18 people
during the 1994 genocide and bears the title of Protectors of the Pact of Friendship.

Ethnicity was a
decisive factor in the genocide, but now the Rwandan people "live without
ethnic divisions, sharing and working together, "said Martin.

Immediately after
the genocide began, the Hutu policeman then aged 30, who broke up
Hutu extremists after listening to his heart, sheltered his neighbors in
Kigali and then "whoever" came to seek refuge.

As the number of
the number of people protected at his home increased, he dug a hole near his concession and
those whom he protected remained at home and the hole in rotation.

The acts of Martin
protect the Tutsi attracted the attention of the extremists, but luckily he escaped
death after his father has corrupted them.

The Rwandan government
make concerted efforts to promote unity and reconciliation after the genocide,
said Martin.

projects are planned so that no one stays behind. In education
for example, there is equal access for all children and social badistance programs
target all Rwandans, "he said.


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